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Your search returned 28 results.

Extracellular mechanical forces drive endocardial cell volume decrease during cardiac valve morphogenesis

Hélène Vignes, Christina Vagena-Pantoula, Mangal Prakash, et al.

Selected by 25 August 2021

Julia Grzymkowski

Developmental Biology

The force loading rate drives cell mechanosensing through both reinforcement and fluidization

Ion Andreu, Bryan Falcones, Sebastian Hurst, et al.

Selected by 20 March 2021

Jessica L. Teo


Microtubules tune mechanosensitive cell responses

Shailaja Seetharaman, Benoit Vianay, Vanessa Roca, et al.

Selected by 13 September 2020

Grace Lim

Hydration-dependent phase separation of a prion-like protein regulates seed germination during water stress

Yanniv Dorone, Steven Boeynaems, Benjamin Jin, et al.

Selected by 28 August 2020

Martin Balcerowicz

Plant Biology

Large-scale curvature sensing by epithelial monolayers depends on active cell mechanics and nuclear mechanoadaptation

Marine Luciano, Shi-Lei Xue, Winnok H. De Vos, et al.

Selected by 10 August 2020

Grace Lim, Ilaria Di Meglio


Self-organized patterning of cell morphology via mechanosensitive feedback

Natalie A. Dye, Marko Popovic, K. Venkatesan Iyer, et al.

Selected by 22 May 2020

Mariana De Niz

Cell Biology

A synthetic mechanogenetic gene circuit for autonomous drug delivery in engineered tissues

Robert J. Nims, Lara Pferdehirt, Noelani B. Ho, et al.

Selected by 06 May 2020

Zhang-He Goh

Synthetic Biology

ActuAtor, a molecular tool for generating force in living cells: Controlled deformation of intracellular structures

Hideki Nakamura, Elmer Rho, Daqi Deng, et al.

Selected by 07 April 2020

Helena Pinheiro

Cell Biology

An asymmetry in the frequency and position of mitosis in the epiblast precedes gastrulation and suggests a role for mitotic rounding in cell delamination during primitive streak epithelial-mesenchymal transition

Evangéline Despin-Guitard, Navrita Mathiah, Matthew Stower, et al.

Selected by 12 March 2020

Claire Simon & Sophie Morgani


Vincent Mercier, Jorge Larios, Guillaume Molinard, et al.

Selected by 26 February 2019

Nicola Stevenson


Mechanical Stretch Kills Transformed Cancer Cells

Ajay Tijore, Mingxi Yao, Yu-Hsiu Wang, et al.

Selected by 03 February 2019

Joseph Jose Thottacherry

Cancer Biology

Molecular organization of integrin-based adhesion complexes in mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

Shumin Xia, Evelyn K.F. Yim, Pakorn Kanchanawong


Superresolution architecture of pluripotency guarding adhesions

Aki Stubb, Camilo Guzmán, Elisa Närvä, et al.

Selected by 02 November 2018

Nicola Stevenson, Amanda Haage

Cell Biology