Inhibition of Centrosome Clustering Reduces Cystogenesis and Improves Kidney Function in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
Fiona Macleod
Maintenance of pluripotency in the entire ectoderm enables neural crest formation
Andrew Montequin

Phospho-seq: Integrated, multi-modal profiling of intracellular protein dynamics in single cells
Benjamin Dominik Maier

From Policy to Practice: Tracking an Open Science Funding Initiative
Kanika Khanna

A data-driven Boolean model explains memory subsets and evolution in CD8+ T cell exhaustion
Benjamin Dominik Maier

“Make your negative result a preprint winner” competition (ASAPbio)
In January 2023, ASAPbio hosted a competition titled "Make your negative result a preprint winner". This competition serves to highlight the importance of sharing negative and inconclusive results via preprints with the scientific community. Science is an iterative process that is built upon previous findings, not all of which confirm our hypothesis. Many times, we stumble upon roadblocks and data that do not confirm the null hypothesis and are hence negative results. Many researchers do not report such data, but they are still results that are useful to drive the research forward! A group of ASAPbio fellows wanted to celebrate sharing of “negative or inconclusive” findings and organized a competition to support preprints in any field of experimental or computational biology. This preList lists the 3 winners of the competition.
List by | Kanika Khanna |
Massively parallel protein-protein interaction measurement by sequencing (MP3-seq) enables rapid screening of protein heterodimers
Benjamin Dominik Maier

Flat clathrin lattices are linked to metastatic potential in colorectal cancer
Emily Chan

Laboratory evolution of flies to morphogen dosage via rapid maternal changes reveals predictable outcomes
Girish Kale

Humoral and T-cell-mediated responses to a pre-clinical Zika vaccine candidate that utilizes a unique insect-specific flavivirus platform
Lucy Bowden

Mitotic heritability of DNA methylation at intermediately methylated sites is imprecise
Samantha Seah et al.

CTCF is essential for proper mitotic spindle structure and anaphase segregation
Saanjbati Adhikari