Tardigrades dramatically upregulate DNA repair pathway genes in response to ionizing radiation
Selected by
18 October 2023
Isabella Cisneros

NAD+ metabolism is a key modulator of bacterial respiratory epithelial infections
Selected by
17 October 2023
Matheus Atella de Oliveira, Marcus Oliveira

NAD(H) homeostasis is essential for host protection mediated by glycolytic myeloid cells in tuberculosis
Selected by
16 October 2023
Matheus Atella de Oliveira, Marcus Oliveira

Mentoring practices predictive of doctoral student outcomes in a biological sciences cohort
Selected by
13 October 2023
Reinier Prosee et al.

PUFFFIN: A novel, ultra-bright, customisable, single-plasmid system for labelling cell neighbourhoods
Selected by
09 October 2023
Jennifer Ann Black

Glutamate helps unmask the differences in driving forces for phase separation versus clustering of FET family proteins in sub-saturated solutions
Selected by
03 October 2023
Erich Sohn

preLights peer support – preprints of interest
This is a preprint repository to organise the preprints and preLights covered through the 'preLights peer support' initiative.
List by | preLights peer support |
The genome of the colonial hydroid Hydractinia reveals their stem cells utilize a toolkit of evolutionarily shared genes with all animals
Selected by
19 September 2023
Isabella Cisneros

Optical Control of G-Actin with a Photoswitchable Latrunculin
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14 September 2023
Zhang-He Goh

TLR2 Regulates Hair Follicle Cycle and Regeneration via BMP Signaling
Selected by
14 September 2023
Marina Schernthanner

Hypoxia blunts angiogenic signaling and upregulates the antioxidant system in elephant seal endothelial cells
Selected by
13 September 2023
Sarah Young-Veenstra

Mechano-dependent sorbitol accumulation supports biomolecular condensate
Selected by
07 September 2023
Teodora Piskova