
Search results

Your search returned 130 results.

A ciliopathy complex builds distal appendages to initiate ciliogenesis

Dhivya Kumar, Addison Rains, Vicente Herranz-Pérez, et al.

Selected by 23 March 2021

Nicola Stevenson


Ciliary control of meiotic chromosomal pairing mechanics and germ cell morphogenesis

Avishag Mytils, Vineet Kumar, Qiu Tao, et al.

Selected by 15 February 2021

Robert Mahen

Cell Biology

Lysosomal retargeting of Myoferlin mitigates membrane stress to enable pancreatic cancer growth

Suprit Gupta, Julian Yano, Htet Htwe Htwe, et al.

Selected by 27 January 2021

Berrak Ugur

Cancer Biology

Single cell transcriptomic analysis of bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei reconstructs cell cycle progression and differentiation via quorum sensing

Emma M. Briggs, Richard McCulloch, Keith R. Matthews, et al.

Selected by 23 December 2020

Mariana De Niz

Cell Biology

Automatic whole cell organelle segmentation in volumetric electron microscopy

Larissa Heinrich, Davis Bennett, David Ackerman, et al.

Selected by 22 December 2020

Mariana De Niz

Cell Biology

Composition and stage dynamics of mitochondrial complexes in Plasmodium falciparum

Felix Evers, Alfredo Cabrera-Orefice, Dei M. Elurbe, et al.

Selected by 22 December 2020

Mariana De Niz

Molecular Biology

Isotropic 3D electron microscopy reference library of whole cells and tissues

C. Shan Xu, Song Pang, Gleb Shtengel, et al.

Selected by 19 December 2020

Mariana De Niz

Cell Biology

Systematic functional analysis of Leishmania protein kinases identifies regulators of differentiation or survival

Baker N., Catta-Preta C.M.C., Neish R., et al.

Selected by 18 December 2020

Mariana De Niz

Cell Biology

Rab34 GTPase mediates ciliary membrane biogenesis in the intracellular ciliogenesis pathway

Anil Kumar Ganga, Margaret C. Kennedy, Mai E. Oguchi, et al.

Selected by 26 November 2020

Nicola Stevenson

Cell Biology

Ultrafast phasor-based hyperspectral snapshot microscopy for biomedical imaging

Per Niklas Hedde, Rachel Cinco, Leonel Malacrida, et al.

Selected by 05 November 2020

Stephan Daetwyler


Osmolarity-independent electrical cues guide rapid response to injury in zebrafish epidermis

Andrew S. Kennard, Julie A. Theriot

Selected by 28 October 2020

Ankita Jha

Cell Biology

Ana1 recruits PLK1 to mother centrioles to promote mitotic PCM assembly and centriole elongation

Ines Alvarez-Rodrigo, Alan Wainman, Jordan W. Raff

Selected by 31 August 2020

Jennifer Ann Black

Cell Biology