
Search results

Your search returned 192 results.

Membrane bending by protein phase separation

Feng Yuan, Haleh Alimohamadi, Brandon Bakka, et al.

Selected by 01 June 2020

Dey Lab, Giulia Paci


Polarized endosome dynamics engage cytosolic Par-3 and dynein during asymmetric division

Xiang Zhao, Kai Tong, Xingye Chen, et al.

Selected by 29 May 2020

Giuliana Clemente

Mitochondrial fatty acid synthesis coordinates mitochondrial oxidative metabolism

Sara M. Nowinski, Ashley Solmonson, Scott F. Rusin, et al.

Selected by 25 May 2020

Berrak Ugur, Aakriti Jain

Cell Biology

PlanktonScope: Affordable modular imaging platform for citizen oceanography

Thibaut Pollina, Adam G. Larson, Fabien Lombard, et al.

Selected by 24 May 2020

Mariana De Niz


Live-cell 3D single-molecule tracking reveals how NuRD modulates enhancer dynamics

S Basu, O Shukron, A Ponjavic, et al.


Live-cell single particle tracking of PRC1 reveals a highly dynamic system with low target site occupancy

Miles K. Huseyin, Robert J. Klose

Selected by 22 May 2020

Gabriel Aughey

Arp2/3 complex-mediated actin assembly drives microtubule-independent motility and phagocytosis in the evolutionarily divergent amoeba Naegleria

Katrina B Velle, Lillian K Fritz-Laylin

Selected by 18 May 2020

Dey Lab

Cell Biology

Rapid growth and fusion of protocells in surface-adhered membrane networks

Elif S. Köksal, Susanne Liese, Lin Xue, et al.

Selected by 15 May 2020

Yamini Ravichandran


FUS gene is dual-coding with both proteins united in FUS-mediated toxicity

Marie A. Brunet, Jean-Francois Jacques, Sonya Nassari, et al.

Selected by 12 May 2020

Madhuja Samaddar

Molecular Biology

The mitotic protein NuMA plays a spindle-independent role in nuclear formation and mechanics

Andrea Serra-Marques, Ronja Houtekamer, Dorine Hintzen, et al.


NuMA interaction with chromatin is vital for proper nuclear architecture in human cells

Ashwathi Rajeevan, Riya Keshri, Sachin Kotak

Selected by 11 May 2020

Dey Lab

Cell Biology

Differentiation of human intestinal organoids with endogenous vascular endothelial cells

Emily M. Holloway, Joshua H. Wu, Michael Czerwinkski, et al.

Selected by 08 May 2020

Nozomu Takata

Developmental Biology

Morphogenesis is transcriptionally coupled to neurogenesis during peripheral olfactory organ development

Raphaël Aguillon, Romain Madelaine, Harendra Guturu, et al.

Selected by 05 May 2020

Karen Groß

Developmental Biology

PLK1- and PLK4-mediated asymmetric mitotic centrosome size and positioning in the early zebrafish embryo

LI Rathbun, AA Aljiboury, X Bai, et al.

Selected by 05 May 2020

Maiko Kitaoka

Cell Biology