Integration of Protein Interactome Networks with Congenital heart Disease Variants Reveals Candidate Disease Genes
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21 April 2021
Alexander Ward
A ciliopathy complex builds distal appendages to initiate ciliogenesis
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23 March 2021
Nicola Stevenson
Hidden limbs in the “limbless skink” Brachymeles lukbani: developmental observations
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03 February 2021
Alexa Sadier
Epigenetic control of coordinated hematopoietic and cardiovascular development by Rnf2 in zebrafish
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18 January 2021
Tim Petzold
Heterogeneity in collective endothelial cell behavior is a driver of arterio-venous remodeling
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02 October 2020
Jessica L. Teo
Pharmacological Insights into Safety and Efficacy Determinants for the development of Adenosine Receptor Biased Agonists in the Treatment of heart Failure
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08 September 2020
Zhang-He Goh
Hydration-dependent phase separation of a prion-like protein regulates seed germination during water stress
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28 August 2020
Martin Balcerowicz
Tissue-resident macrophages regulate lymphatic vessel growth and patterning in the developing heart
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25 August 2020
Jonny Coates
A Transcriptional Switch Governing Fibroblast Plasticity Underlies Reversibility of Chronic heart Disease
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11 August 2020
Osvaldo Contreras, Alexander Ward
Toll-like receptor 4 is activated by platinum and contributes to cisplatin-induced ototoxicity
Application of the in vivo oxidative stress reporter Hmox1 as mechanistic biomarker of arsenic toxicity
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07 August 2020
Zhang-He Goh
Apico-basal cell compression regulates Lamin A/C levels in Epithelial tissues
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05 August 2020
Ilaria Di Meglio
Cardioids reveal self-organizing principles of human cardiogenesis
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20 July 2020
Alok Javali