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Your search returned 101 results.

Maintenance of pluripotency in the entire ectoderm enables neural crest formation

Ceren Pajanoja, Jenny Hsin, Bradley Olinger, et al.

Selected by Andrew Montequin

Flat clathrin lattices are linked to metastatic potential in colorectal cancer

Charlotte Cresens, Guillermo Solis-Fernandez, Astha Tiwari, et al.

Selected by Emily Chan

Actin nucleators safeguard replication forks by limiting nascent strand degradation

Jadwiga Nieminuszczy, Peter R. Martin, Ronan Broderick, et al.

Selected by Roberto Amadio

Plasmodesmal connectivity in C4 Gynandropsis gynandra is induced by light and dependent on photosynthesis

Tina B. Schreier, Karin H. Müller, Simona Eicke, et al.

Selected by Yueh Cho

Actin-driven protrusions generate rapid long-range membrane tension propagation in cells

Henry De Belly, Shannon Yan, Hudson Borja da Rocha, et al.

Selected by Nicolaes Hyun-Kee Min

Supramolecular architecture of the ER-mitochondria encounter structure in its native environment

Michael R. Wozny, Andrea Di Luca, Dustin R. Morado, et al.

Selected by Raunaq Deo

Key roles for kinesin-13 and kinesin-20 in malaria parasite proliferation, polarity and transmission revealed by genome-wide functional analysis

Mohammad Zeeshan, Ravish Rashpa, David J Ferguson, et al.

Selected by Jessica Kehrer

Local IL-17 orchestrates skin aging

Paloma Solá, Elisabetta Mereu, Júlia Bonjoch, et al.

Selected by Andrea Irazoki

Microstructured hydrogels to guide self-assembly and function of lung alveolospheres

Claudia Loebel, Aaron I. Weiner, Jeremy B. Katzen, et al.

Selected by Julio Sainz de Aja

High-throughput aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase engineering for genetic code expansion in yeast

Jessica T. Stieglitz, James A. Van Deventer

Selected by Zhang-He Goh

The Effect of COVID-19 on the Postdoctoral Experience: a comparison of pre-pandemic and pandemic surveys

Andréanne Morin, Britney A. Helling, Seetha Krishnan, et al.

Selected by Jonny Coates

In situ architecture of the ciliary base reveals the stepwise assembly of IFT trains

Hugo van den Hoek, Nikolai Klena, Mareike A. Jordan, et al.

Selected by Nicola Stevenson
