Coordinated regulation of photosynthesis and translation via NIK1/RPL10/LIMYB signaling module in response to biotic and abiotic stresses
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13 July 2023
Yueh Cho

A Single Laccase Acts as a Key Component of Environmental Sensing in a Broad Host Range Fungal Pathogen
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16 May 2023
UofA IMB565

Cell polarity linked to gravity sensing is generated by protein translocation from statoliths to the plasma membrane
Amyloplast sedimentation repolarizes LAZYs to achieve gravity sensing in plants
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04 May 2023
Marc Somssich, Gwendolyn K. Kirschner

Gene complementation analysis suggests that dodder plants (Cuscuta spp.) do not depend on the host FT protein for flowering
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31 January 2023
Gwendolyn K. Kirschner, Marc Somssich

Plasmodesmal connectivity in C4 Gynandropsis gynandra is induced by light and dependent on photosynthesis
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30 January 2023
Yueh Cho

PHYTOMap: Multiplexed single-cell 3D spatial gene expression analysis in plant tissue
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02 September 2022
Gwendolyn K. Kirschner, Marc Somssich