

Meet the preLights Ambassadors: Martin Estermann

In order to keep developing preLights and respond to the needs of the community, we recently launched the preLights Ambassador scheme. Four amazing preLighters have now been appointed as Ambassadors and we caught up with all of them to chat about the things that they’re excited to bring to this…

Posted on 15 June 2023

Meet the preLights Ambassadors: Jennifer Ann Black

In order to keep developing preLights and respond to the needs of the community, we recently launched the preLights Ambassador scheme. Four wonderful preLighters have now been appointed as Ambassadors and we caught up with all of them to chat about the things that they’re excited to bring to this…

Posted on 8 June 2023

preLights talks to Richard Sever

Richard Sever is Assistant Director of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (CSHL Press) and co-founder of bioRxiv and medRxiv. Prior to moving to CSHL Press in 2008, he worked as an editor for several journals including Current Opinion in Cell Biology, Trends in Biochemical Sciences, and Journal of Cell Science.…

Posted on 30 March 2023

Meet the preLighters: a virtual catch-up with Monica Tambalo

Monica Tambalo is a postdoctoral researcher in the Lodato lab at the IRCCS Humanitas Clinical and Research Center in Milan. Her goal is to expand our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying neurogenesis and human neurodevelopmental disorders. Monica joined us at preLights in 2020 and has since been involved in…

Posted on 27 February 2023

Meet the preLighters: a virtual chat with Chee Kiang (Ethan) Ewe

Chee Kiang (Ethan) Ewe is a postdoctoral training fellow working in the lab of Oded Rechavi at Tel Aviv University, Israel, where he studies the molecular basis of epigenetic inheritance. Last year, Ethan joined us here at preLights and since then he has become one of our most active community…

Posted on 22 November 2022

Meet the preLighters: an interview with Angika Basant

Angika Basant is a postdoctoral training fellow working in the lab of Michael Way at the Francis Crick Institute in London. She joined preLights back in 2018 and has been an invaluable member of its community. I had a lovely chat with her in the impressive Crick building during which…

Posted on 12 October 2022