

preLights nominated for ALPSP Awards for Innovation in Publishing

13 August 2019

We are delighted to announce that preLights has been shortlisted for the ALPSP Awards for Innovation in Publishing. On the ALPSP website you can read an interview with us, where we also discuss our future plans

Meet the preLighters: an interview with Teresa Rayon

15 July 2019

Teresa Rayon is a postdoctoral researcher in James Briscoe’s lab at the Francis Crick Institute. Here, she studies how time is measured during development. We met Teresa at her institute to talk about her passion for science, her outreach activities which involve running a science podcast and preLights.     Let’s start with the very[…]

preLists – charting the waters of the preprint sea

23 May 2019

We are happy to announce the launch of preLists, a new initiative within preLights where early-career researchers curate lists of preprints for the community. These lists follow two main themes: preprints on a specific topic or preprints which have been presented at scientific meetings. preLighters can also add brief one-liner summaries to each preprint, and[…]

Meet the preLighters: an interview with Tessa Sinnige

23 May 2019

Tessa Sinnige is a postdoctoral fellow and she recently moved to Northwestern University, USA from the University of Cambridge. In her research she studies the mechanisms of protein aggregation using C. elegans as a model. We caught up with Tessa to discuss about her science, postdoc life, preprints and her experience with preLights.    […]

Call for new preLighters

20 May 2019

preLights, The Company of Biologist’s preprint highlighting service, has now been running for 15 months. At the heart of preLights is the community of early-career researchers who select and highlight interesting preprints in various fields. As preLights is building momentum, we are ready to grow our team of preLighters and are seeking early-career researchers (PhD[…]

preLighters at the joint BSCB/BSDB 2019 meeting in Warwick

12 April 2019

Many preLighters, both from Europe and overseas, took part at the joint meeting of the British Society for Developmental Biology and Cell Biology. We were especially proud that preLighters were among the award winners for the best poster prize. Congratulations to all!  
