

Meet the preLighters: an interview with Maiko Kitaoka

30 October 2019

Maiko Kitaoka is a graduate student in the lab of Rebecca Heald at the University of California, Berkeley. Here she studies the cause of chromosome mis-segregation defects in Xenopus hybrids. We caught up with Maiko to discuss her research, science communication, ballet, preprints and more.     Let’s start in the beginning, why did you[…]

Capturing the value added to a paper during peer review

26 September 2019

Preprints accelerate science by making research accessible prior to journal publication, but peer-review often substantially improves papers. While for a long time the review history of a paper was not visible to anyone apart from the authors and reviewers/editors, recently, increasing numbers of journals have started publishing this information alongside the paper (including The Company[…]

Meet the preLighters: an interview with Gautam Dey

25 September 2019

Gautam Dey is a postdoctoral researcher working at the MRC LMCB, UCL, London, in the lab of Buzz Baum. Here, he is studying the evolution of cell cycle control using fission yeast and archaea. He has been a team member since the start of preLights and has written sixteen preLight posts (!) so far. We[…]

preLights reached 500 posts!

24 September 2019

Last week we reached our 500th preLights post – a big round of applause to all the preLighters who contributed! We are thrilled to see the wide range of fields and topics that the team covers, and are grateful to the preprint authors who provided comments to questions and additional insights to their story. The[…]

We presented at the ALPSP Annual Conference and Awards

18 September 2019

As one of four projects that were shortlisted for the ALPSP Awards for Innovation in Publishing, we were invited to talk about preLights at the ALPSP Annual conference  organized at the beautiful De Vere Beaumont Estate in Old Windsor, UK from September 11th – 13th, 2019     Claire Moulton, Publisher at The Company of[…]

Meet the preLighters: an interview with Connor Rosen

15 August 2019

Connor Rosen is a 5th-year PhD student in Immunology in the labs of Profs. Noah Palm and Aaron Ring at Yale University. In his research he wants to find out how the microbiota interacts with the host. We chatted to Connor about his graduate work, why he got interested in preprints and his thoughts on[…]
