

Celebrating our second birthday!

20 February 2020

preLights launched two years ago, and we’re thrilled to see how the platform has grown over this time. Our vibrant community of 180 early-career researchers and counting (we currently have an open call for new members to join) has written 600 preprint highlights. New initiatives such as preLists and authors commenting on their peer review experience[…]

Call for new preLighters 2020

5 February 2020

preLights, The Company of Biologists’ preprint highlighting service, is turning two years old later this month. At the heart of preLights is the community of early-career researchers who select and highlight interesting preprints in various fields. We are excited to now further grow our team of preLighters and are seeking early-career researchers (PhD students, postdocs,[…]

Create preprint lists (preLists) on our website!

20 January 2020

We launched preLists last year, and responding to the interest from the scientific community, we have now made it possible for any researcher (not just preLighters) to create either a topic-specific preprint list, or collect a list of preprints that were presented at a conference. (The posting of preprint highlights remains restricted to ‘preLighters’.)  […]

Meet the preLighters: an interview with Mariana de Niz

7 January 2020

Mariana de Niz is a postdoctoral researcher in Dr Luísa Figueiredo’s lab at the Institute of Molecular Medicine in Lisbon, Portugal, where she studies the biophysics of trypanosomes in various tissues. We caught up with Mariana to discuss her experience in parasite research, microscopy, open science and what it’s like to be a preLighter.  […]

The most read preLights of 2019

1 January 2020

2019 was a very prolific year with 314 preprint highlights posted, and here we’ve collected the most popular ones:   #1 Pavithran Ravindran‘s post on optogenetic control of Wnt signalling to interrogate patterning in stem cells was the most read preLight in 2019 and included a comment from preprint first author Nicole Repina.     #2[…]

7 things that shaped preLights in 2019

31 December 2019

On the last day of the year (and in fact, the decade), we look back at some of the highlights of 2019   #1 We launched preLists, where researchers curate a list of preprints presented at conferences, or compile a list of preprints on a certain topic. #2 At the end of February, we celebrated[…]
