Early 2025 preprints – the genetics & genomics edition
In this community-driven preList, a group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of genetics and genomics have worked together to create this preprint reading list. Categories include: 1) bioinformatics 2) epigenetics 3) gene regulation 4) genomics 5) transcriptomics
List by Chee Kiang Ewe, Jawdat SandaklyPreprints:
Decoding the Molecular Language of Proteins with Evolla
A very interesting preprint that introduces a multimodal protein-language model that deciphers proteins’ molecular mechanisms through natural language dialogue, trained on a corpus of 546 million AI-generated protein-question-answer triples and encompassing 150 billion word tokens.
Picked by: J
From Zhou et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.
Stress-driven emergence of heritable non-genetic drug resistance
This preprint describes how transient exposure to an antifungal drug can drive heritable drug resistance via a prion-like non-genetic mechanism.
Picked by: Chee Kiang (Ethan) Ewe
Gene regulation
Characterization of RNA interference in the model cnidarian Nematostella vectensis reveals partial target silencing but lack of small RNA amplification
The preprint authors show that Cnidaria contains an antiviral RNAi pathway but lacks small RNA amplification as observed in some other organisms like nematodes. This study sheds lights on the evolution of antiviral mechanisms.
Picked by: Chee Kiang (Ethan) Ewe
From Admoni et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.
LINE-1 retrotransposons regulate the exit of human pluripotency and early brain development
The preprint authors used a combination of genomic approaches coupled with bioinformatics to demonstrate that the long interspersed nuclear element 1 (L1) retrotransposons are wired into gene regulatory networks in human pluripotent stem cells and represent a set of genetic material that contributes to important transcriptional networks in early human development.
Picked by: J
The KRAB-Zinc Finger protein ZKSCAN3 represses enhancers via embedded retrotransposons
This amazing preprint demonstrates a role for KZFPs transcription factor in regulating enhancer activity by targeting transposons.
Picked by: Chee Kiang (Ethan) Ewe
Transposable elements drive regulatory and functional innovation of F-box genes
This exciting preprint demonstrates how transposon elements lead to diversity of gene functions especially in large gene families.
Picked by: Chee Kiang (Ethan) Ewe
From Vasconcelos Almeida et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
TimeFlies: an snRNA-seq aging clock for the fruit fly head sheds light on sex-biased aging
This preprint showcases a newly developed pan-cell-type scRNA-seq aging clock based on explainable deep neural networks that classifies Drosophila melanogaster head age at single-cell resolution with high accuracy.
Picked by: J
From Tennant et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
Decoy-seq unlocks scalable genetic screening for regulatory small noncoding RNAs
The authors introduce a novel approach for high-content single-cell perturbation screening of smRNAs termed Decoy-seq which inhibits the interaction between smRNA transcripts and their cognate interactome through base pairing and stable duplex formation, thereby providing a systematic and rich portrait of their regulatory functions.
Picked by: J
A Blueprint of Sex-Specific Neuronal Regulation in the C. elegans Nervous System at Single-Cell Resolution
The preprint authors performed single cell sequencing on male and hermaphrodite C. elegans to gain insights into sexual dimorphism of the brain.
Picked by: Chee Kiang (Ethan) Ewe
Integrating bulk and single cell RNA-seq refines transcriptomic profiles of individual C. elegans neurons
The preprint authors present a strategy to combine the sensitivity of bulk RNA-seq with the specificity of single cell RNA-seq. Here, this approach improves the resolution of gene expression profiling of the C. elegans nervous system.
Picked by: Chee Kiang (Ethan) Ewe
From Barrett et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
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Register hereAlso in the genetics category:
January in preprints – the CellBio edition
A group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of cell biology, have worked together to create this preprint reading lists for researchers with an interest in cell biology. This month, categories include: 1) biochemistry/metabolism 2) cell migration 3) cell organelles and organisation 4) cell signalling and mechanosensing 5) genetics/gene expression
List by | Barbora Knotkova et al. |
End-of-year preprints – the genetics & genomics edition
In this community-driven preList, a group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of genetics and genomics have worked together to create this preprint reading list. Categories include: 1) genomics 2) bioinformatics 3) gene regulation 4) epigenetics
List by | Chee Kiang Ewe et al. |
BSDB/GenSoc Spring Meeting 2024
A list of preprints highlighted at the British Society for Developmental Biology and Genetics Society joint Spring meeting 2024 at Warwick, UK.
List by | Joyce Yu, Katherine Brown |
BSCB-Biochemical Society 2024 Cell Migration meeting
This preList features preprints that were discussed and presented during the BSCB-Biochemical Society 2024 Cell Migration meeting in Birmingham, UK in April 2024. Kindly put together by Sara Morais da Silva, Reviews Editor at Journal of Cell Science.
List by | Reinier Prosee |
9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination
This preList contains preprints discussed during the 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination. This conference was held in Kona, Hawaii from April 17th to 21st 2023.
List by | Martin Estermann |
Alumni picks – preLights 5th Birthday
This preList contains preprints that were picked and highlighted by preLights Alumni - an initiative that was set up to mark preLights 5th birthday. More entries will follow throughout February and March 2023.
List by | Sergio Menchero et al. |
Semmelweis Symposium 2022: 40th anniversary of international medical education at Semmelweis University
This preList contains preprints discussed during the 'Semmelweis Symposium 2022' (7-9 November), organised around the 40th anniversary of international medical education at Semmelweis University covering a wide range of topics.
List by | Nándor Lipták |
20th “Genetics Workshops in Hungary”, Szeged (25th, September)
In this annual conference, Hungarian geneticists, biochemists and biotechnologists presented their works. Link: http://group.szbk.u-szeged.hu/minikonf/archive/prg2021.pdf
List by | Nándor Lipták |
2nd Conference of the Visegrád Group Society for Developmental Biology
Preprints from the 2nd Conference of the Visegrád Group Society for Developmental Biology (2-5 September, 2021, Szeged, Hungary)
List by | Nándor Lipták |
EMBL Conference: From functional genomics to systems biology
Preprints presented at the virtual EMBL conference "from functional genomics and systems biology", 16-19 November 2020
List by | Jesus Victorino |
TAGC 2020
Preprints recently presented at the virtual Allied Genetics Conference, April 22-26, 2020. #TAGC20
List by | Maiko Kitaoka et al. |
ECFG15 – Fungal biology
Preprints presented at 15th European Conference on Fungal Genetics 17-20 February 2020 Rome
List by | Hiral Shah |
Preprints on autophagy and lysosomal degradation and its role in neurodegeneration and disease. Includes molecular mechanisms, upstream signalling and regulation as well as studies on pharmaceutical interventions to upregulate the process.
List by | Sandra Malmgren Hill |
Zebrafish immunology
A compilation of cutting-edge research that uses the zebrafish as a model system to elucidate novel immunological mechanisms in health and disease.
List by | Shikha Nayar |
Also in the genomics category:
Early 2025 preprints – the genetics & genomics edition
In this community-driven preList, a group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of genetics and genomics have worked together to create this preprint reading list. Categories include: 1) bioinformatics 2) epigenetics 3) gene regulation 4) genomics 5) transcriptomics
List by | Chee Kiang Ewe et al. |
End-of-year preprints – the genetics & genomics edition
In this community-driven preList, a group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of genetics and genomics have worked together to create this preprint reading list. Categories include: 1) genomics 2) bioinformatics 3) gene regulation 4) epigenetics
List by | Chee Kiang Ewe et al. |
BSCB-Biochemical Society 2024 Cell Migration meeting
This preList features preprints that were discussed and presented during the BSCB-Biochemical Society 2024 Cell Migration meeting in Birmingham, UK in April 2024. Kindly put together by Sara Morais da Silva, Reviews Editor at Journal of Cell Science.
List by | Reinier Prosee |
9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination
This preList contains preprints discussed during the 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination. This conference was held in Kona, Hawaii from April 17th to 21st 2023.
List by | Martin Estermann |
Semmelweis Symposium 2022: 40th anniversary of international medical education at Semmelweis University
This preList contains preprints discussed during the 'Semmelweis Symposium 2022' (7-9 November), organised around the 40th anniversary of international medical education at Semmelweis University covering a wide range of topics.
List by | Nándor Lipták |
20th “Genetics Workshops in Hungary”, Szeged (25th, September)
In this annual conference, Hungarian geneticists, biochemists and biotechnologists presented their works. Link: http://group.szbk.u-szeged.hu/minikonf/archive/prg2021.pdf
List by | Nándor Lipták |
EMBL Conference: From functional genomics to systems biology
Preprints presented at the virtual EMBL conference "from functional genomics and systems biology", 16-19 November 2020
List by | Jesus Victorino |
TAGC 2020
Preprints recently presented at the virtual Allied Genetics Conference, April 22-26, 2020. #TAGC20
List by | Maiko Kitaoka et al. |
Also in the genetics category:
Conservation and divergence of regulatory architecture in nitrate-responsive plant gene circuits
Jeny Jose

Intracellular diffusion in the cytoplasm increases with cell size in fission yeast
Leeba Ann Chacko, Sameer Thukral

HIF1A contributes to the survival of aneuploid and mosaic pre-implantation embryos
Anchel De Jaime Soguero

Also in the genomics category:
Loss of a morph is associated with asymmetric character release in a radiation of woodland salamanders
Stefan Friedrich Wirth

Decoding the Molecular Language of Proteins with Evolla
Jawdat Sandakly

IMMClock reveals immune aging and T cell function at single-cell resolution
Jessica Chevallier