
Carmen Adriaens

Harvard Medical School, The Broad Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital

I am a postdoc in the Bernstein lab at MGH/HMS in Boston where I study chromatin in cancer cells.

I did my Ph.D. on non-coding RNA in cancer in the lab of Chris Marine at the CCB (VIB-KU Leuven) in Belgium, and spent some time in the Steve Jackson Lab in Cambridge, UK, and the Misteli Lab at the NCI in Bethesda, USA during this time.

My scientific interests are non-coding RNA, nuclear bodies, mouse models & genetics, nuclear topology/chromatin conformation, phase separation, and gene expression/transcription. I’m most likely to post about these, but I am fascinated by many things in the biological world so it could be just as well any other random topic I really like or stumbled upon!

Apart from science, I love great food, contemporary dance, and people (I think everybody has a ‘thing’ and I like to discover that!).

Carmen Adriaens has added 13 preLight posts

The Trithorax group protein dMLL3/4 instructs the assembly of the zygotic genome at fertilization

Pedro Prudêncio, Leonardo G. Guilgur, João Sobral, et al.

Selected by 16 February 2018

Carmen Adriaens

Developmental Biology

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Carmen Adriaens has commented 1 time

6 years

Carmen Adriaens

Hi Theo! Awesome highlight. I look forward to see higher resolution examples of this technique in the future, and I’m generally excited about non-genetic applications for DNA techniques!

As relating to the third paper you mention, you can take a look at this one, too:


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