Hi! I am a graduate student in Barak Cohen’s lab in Washington University in St Louis. I am currently studying how cis-regulatory sequences such as enhancers and promoters work together to control gene expression, but I am interested in understanding how proper spatiotemporal expression is achieved and all aspects of gene regulation in general!
High-throughput discovery and characterization of human transcriptional effectors
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19 October 2020
Clarice Hong

CTCF Mediates Dosage and Sequence-context-dependent Transcriptional Insulation through Formation of Local Chromatin Domains
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25 July 2020
Clarice Hong

Dissection of the Fgf8 regulatory landscape by in vivo CRISPR-editing reveals extensive inter- and intra-enhancer redundancy
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25 March 2020
Clarice Hong
Enhancers predominantly regulate gene expression in vivo via transcription initiation
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09 December 2019
Clarice Hong

Resolving the 3D landscape of transcription-linked mammalian chromatin folding
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13 June 2019
Clarice Hong

Functional dissection of TADs reveals non-essential and instructive roles in regulating gene expression
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23 March 2019
Clarice Hong

High-throughput functional analysis of lncRNA core promoters elucidates rules governing tissue-specificity
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29 January 2019
Clarice Hong

Promoter-intrinsic and local chromatin features determine gene repression in lamina-associated domains
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28 November 2018
Carmen Adriaens, Clarice Hong
Evidence for an Integrated Gene Repression Mechanism based on mRNA Isoform Toggling in Human Cells
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30 October 2018
Clarice Hong

The cis-regulatory logic underlying abdominal Hox-mediated repression versus activation of regulatory elements in Drosophila
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08 August 2018
Clarice Hong