
Kanika Khanna

Kanika Khanna has added 6 preLight posts

Insights from a survey of mentorship experiences by graduate and postdoctoral researchers

Sarvenaz Sarabipour, Natalie M Niemi, Steven J Burgess, et al.

Selected by 17 May 2023

Chee Kiang Ewe et al.

Scientific Communication and Education

From Policy to Practice: Tracking an Open Science Funding Initiative

Kristen Ratan, Sonya B. Dumanis, Souad McIntosh, et al.

Selected by 17 April 2023

Kanika Khanna

Scientific Communication and Education

Quantification of gallium cryo-FIB milling damage in biological lamella

Bronwyn A. Lucas, Nikolaus Grigorieff

Selected by 08 March 2023

Kanika Khanna


Preprint peer review enhances undergraduate biology students’ disciplinary literacy and sense of belonging in STEM

Josie L. Otto, Gary S McDowell, Meena M. Balgopal, et al.

Selected by 14 December 2022

Reinier Prosee et al.

Scientific Communication and Education

Leadership in PhD (LeaP): a longitudinal leadership skill building program for underrepresented biomedical research trainees

Mali D Doles, Ji Yun Kang, Linda M Scholl, et al.

Selected by 24 October 2022

Kanika Khanna

Scientific Communication and Education

The cell envelope of Thermotogae suggests a mechanism for outer membrane biogenesis

Danielle L. Sexton, Ameena Hashimi, Lloyd Sibanda, et al.

Selected by 10 October 2022

Kanika Khanna


Kanika Khanna has collaborated with:

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