
Search results

Your search returned 134 results.

TGFβ restricts T cell function and bacterial control within the tuberculous granuloma

Benjamin H Gern, Kristin N Adams, Courtney R Plumlee, et al.

Selected by 26 July 2019



Rab11b-mediated integrin recycling promotes brain metastatic adaptation and outgrowth

Erin N. Howe, Miranda D. Burnette, Melanie E. Justice, et al.

Selected by 19 July 2019

Beverley Wilson


Elucidating the molecular determinants of Aβ aggregation with deep mutational scanning

Vanessa E Gray, Katherine Sitko, Floriane Z. Ngako Kameni, et al.

Selected by 18 July 2019

Suzanne McDermott

Molecular Biology

Decoding commensal-host communication through genetic engineering of Staphylococcus epidermidis

Y. Erin Chen, Nicolas Bouladoux, Charlotte Hurabielle, et al.

Selected by 02 July 2019

Connor Rosen

Human cardiac fibrosis-on-a-chip model recapitulates disease hallmarks and can serve as a platform for drug screening

Olya Mastikhina, Byeong-Ui Moon, Kenneth Williams, et al.

Selected by 24 June 2019

Hiroyoshi Y. Tanaka


Adipocyte vesicles: ‘all-in-one’ packages that stimulate tumor mitochondrial metabolism and dynamics

Emily Clement, Ikrame Lazar, Camille Attané, et al.

Selected by 17 June 2019

Hannah Brunsdon

Cancer Biology

High-throughput mapping of mesoscale connectomes in individual mice

Longwen Huang, Justus M Kebschull, Daniel Furth, et al.

Selected by 05 June 2019

Dena Goldblatt


A Bile Duct-on-a-Chip with Organ-Level Functions

Yu Du, Gauri Khandekar, Jessica Llewellyn, et al.

Selected by 19 April 2019

Zhang-He Goh


More than a flying syringe: Using functional traits in vector borne disease research

Lauren Cator, Leah R Johnson, Erin A Mordecai, et al.

Selected by 13 April 2019

Ashrifia Adomako-Ankomah


Myc instructs and maintains pancreatic adenocarcinoma phenotype

Nicole M Sodir, Roderik M Kortlever, Valentin JA Barthet, et al.

Selected by 08 March 2019

William Hill

Cancer Biology

Hepatocyte-specific deletion of Pparα promotes NASH in the context of obesity

Marion Regnier, Arnaud Polizzi, Sarra Smati, et al.

Selected by 07 March 2019

Pablo Ranea Robles


Quantification of microenvironmental metabolites in murine cancer models reveals determinants of tumor nutrient availability

Mark R Sullivan, Laura V Danai, Caroline A Lewis, et al.

Selected by 11 February 2019

Maria Rafaeva

Cancer Biology