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Your search returned 69 results.

FANCD2 Alleviates Physiologic replication Stress in Fetal Liver HSC

Makiko Mochizuki-Kashio, Young me Yoon, Theresa Menna, et al.

Selected by 14 October 2020

Sree Rama Chaitanya


Aberrant replication licensing drives Copy Number Gains across species

Patroula Nathanailidou, Michalis Petropoulos, Styliani Maxouri, et al.

Selected by 12 October 2020

Yasmin Lau


Generating single-sex litters: development of CRISPR-Cas9 genetic tools to produce all-male offspring

Charlotte Douglas, Valdone Maciulyte, Jasmin Zohren, et al.

Selected by 07 October 2020

Martin Estermann

Developmental Biology

In response to Li et al.: Linker histones function in Drosophila embryogenesis

Albert Carbonell, Lazslo Henn, Juan Pérez-Roldán, et al.

Selected by 29 September 2020

Sree Rama Chaitanya

Molecular Biology

Functional diversification of Ser-Arg rich protein kinases to control ubiquitin-dependent neurodevelopmental signalling

Francisco Bustos, Anna Segarra-Fas, Gino Nardocci, et al.

Selected by 22 September 2020

Sree Rama Chaitanya

Developmental Biology

SUMO orchestrates multiple alternative dna-protein crosslink repair pathways

Nataliia Serbyn, Ivona Bagdiul, Agnès H. Michel, et al.

Selected by 24 July 2020

Vanessa Kellner

Cell Biology

Characterization of the Novel Mitochondrial Genome Segregation Factor TAP110 in Trypanosoma brucei

Simona Amodeo, Ana Kalichava, Albert Fradera-Sola, et al.

Selected by 02 July 2020

Jennifer Ann Black

Molecular Biology

Single-molecule live cell imaging of the Smc5/6 dna repair complex

Thomas J. Etheridge, Desiree Villahermosa, Anja Irmisch, et al.

Selected by 26 June 2020

Jennifer Ann Black

Molecular Biology

RADX Sustains POT1 Function at Telomeres to Counteract RAD51 Binding, which Triggers Telomere Fragility

Anna-Sophia Briod, Galina Glousker, Joachim Lingner

Selected by 25 June 2020

Upasana Roy

Cell Biology

replication protein A binds RNA and promotes R-loop formation

Olga M. Mazina, Srinivas Somarowthu, Lyudmila Y. Kadyrova, et al.

Selected by 22 June 2020

Giuseppina D'Alessandro

Molecular Biology

Impact of chromatin context on Cas9-induced dna double-strand break repair pathway balance

Ruben Schep, Eva Brinkman, Christ Leemans, et al.

Selected by 11 June 2020

Katie Weiner


Sister-chromatid-sensitive Hi-C reveals the conformation of replicated human chromosomes

Michael Mitter, Catherina Gasser, Zsuzsanna Takacs, et al.

Selected by 09 June 2020

Parna Saha

Molecular Biology