
Search results

Your search returned 371 results.

The loss of dna polymerase epsilon accessory subunits POLE3-POLE4 leads to BRCA1-independent PARP inhibitor sensitivity

Hasan Mamar, Roberta Fajka-Boja, Mónika Mórocz, et al.

Selected by 14 November 2023

Audrey Noireterre

Cancer Biology

Digitize your Biology! Modeling multicellular systems through interpretable cell behavior

Jeanette A.I. Johnson, Genevieve L. Stein-O’Brien, Max Booth, et al.

Selected by 08 November 2023

Benjamin Dominik Maier et al.

Systems Biology

Ancient origins of complex neuronal genes

Matthew J. McCoy, Andrew Z. Fire

Selected by 23 October 2023

Preethi Krishnaraj, Chee Kiang Ewe

Evolutionary Biology

Tardigrades dramatically upregulate dna repair pathway genes in response to ionizing radiation

Courtney M. Clark-Hachtel, Jonathan D. Hibshman, Tristan De Buysscher, et al.

Selected by 18 October 2023

Isabella Cisneros


PUFFFIN: A novel, ultra-bright, customisable, single-plasmid system for labelling cell neighbourhoods

Tamina Lebek, Mattias Malaguti, Alistair Elfick, et al.

Selected by 09 October 2023

Jennifer Ann Black

Developmental Biology

Glutamate helps unmask the differences in driving forces for phase separation versus clustering of FET family proteins in sub-saturated solutions

Mrityunjoy Kar, Laura T. Vogel, Gaurav Chauhan, et al.

Selected by 03 October 2023

Erich Sohn


CRISPR-dependent base editing screens identify separation of function mutants of RADX with altered RAD51 regulatory activity

Madison B. Adolph, Atharv S. Garje, Swati Balakrishnan, et al.

Selected by 06 September 2023

Jessica Chevallier, Pierre Caron

Cell Biology

H2O2 sulfenylates CHE linking local infection to establishment of systemic acquired resistance

Lijun Cao, Heejin Yoo, Tianyuan Chen, et al.

Selected by 23 August 2023

Marc Somssich

Plant Biology

Conserved cardiolipin-mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier interactions assume distinct structural and functional roles that are clinically relevant

Nanami Senoo, Dinesh K. Chinthapalli, Matthew G. Baile, et al.

Selected by 14 July 2023

Barbora Knotkova


A transposase-derived gene required for human brain development

Luz Jubierre Zapater, Elias Rodriguez-Fos, Merce Planas-Felix, et al.

Selected by 06 July 2023

Amanda Ivanoff

Developmental Biology

Discovery and Validation of Context-Dependent Synthetic Mammalian Promoters

Adam M. Zahm, William S. Owens, Samuel R. Himes, et al.

Selected by 21 June 2023

Jessica L. Teo

Synthetic Biology

dna methylation rates scale with maximum lifespan across mammals

Samuel. J. C. Crofts, Eric Latorre-Crespo, Tamir Chandra

Selected by 13 June 2023

Jennifer Ann Black
