
Search results

Your search returned 130 results.

Light microscopy of proteins in their ultrastructural context

Ons M’Saad, Joerg Bewersdorf

Selected by 08 April 2020

Mariana De Niz


ActuAtor, a molecular tool for generating force in living cells: Controlled deformation of intracellular structures

Hideki Nakamura, Elmer Rho, Daqi Deng, et al.

Selected by 07 April 2020

Helena Pinheiro

Cell Biology

The single flagellum of Leishmania has a fixed polarisation of its asymmetric beat

Ziyin Wang, Tom Beneke, Eva Gluenz, et al.

Selected by 06 April 2020

Mariana De Niz


The molecular structure of primary cilia revealed by cryo-electron tomography

Petra Kiesel, Gonzalo Alvarez Viar, Nikolai Tsoy, et al.

Selected by 06 April 2020

Nicola Stevenson


Mitochondrial fission factor (MFF) is a critical regulator of peroxisome maturation

Josiah B. Passmore, Ruth E. Carmichael, Tina A. Schrader, et al.

Selected by 30 March 2020

Pablo Ranea Robles

Cell Biology

An Endocytic Capture Model for Skeletal Muscle T-tubule Formation

Thomas E Hall, Nick Martel, Nicholas Ariotti, et al.

Selected by 30 March 2020

Helena Pinheiro

Developmental Biology

Tissue size controls patterns of cell proliferation and migration in freely-expanding epithelia

Matthew A. Heinrich, Julienne M. LaChance, Tom J. Zajdel, et al.

Selected by 27 March 2020

Mariana De Niz


DYRK3-Controlled Phase Separation Organizes the Early Secretory Pathway

Raffaella Gallo, Arpan Rai, Lucas Pelkmans

Selected by 26 March 2020

Helen Zenner, Nicola Stevenson

Cell Biology

Bacterial FtsZ induces mitochondrial fission in human cells

Anna Spier, Martin Sachse, Nam To Tham, et al.

Selected by 24 February 2020

Leeba Ann Chacko

Cell Biology

Mitochondria-adaptor TRAK1 promotes kinesin-1 driven transport in crowded environments

Verena Henrichs, Lenka Grycova, Cyril Barinka, et al.

Selected by 20 February 2020

Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan

Rab11A regulates the constitutive secretory pathway during Toxoplasma gondii invasion of host cells and parasite replication

Venugopal Kannan, Chehade Sylia, Werkmeister Elisabeth, et al.

Selected by 18 December 2019

Mariana De Niz

Cell Biology

ER membranes exhibit phase behavior at sites of organelle contact

Christopher King, Prabuddha Sengupta, Arnold Seo, et al.

Selected by 19 November 2019

Berrak Ugur

Cell Biology