
Search results

Your search returned 127 results.

Single cell transcriptomics reveals spatial and temporal dynamics of gene expression in the developing mouse spinal cord

Julien Delile, Teresa Rayon, Manuela Melchionda, et al.

Selected by 28 November 2018

Reena Lasrado

Developmental Biology

Molecular organization of integrin-based adhesion complexes in mouse embryonic stem cells

Shumin Xia, Evelyn K.F. Yim, Pakorn Kanchanawong


Superresolution architecture of pluripotency guarding adhesions

Aki Stubb, Camilo Guzmán, Elisa Närvä, et al.

Selected by 02 November 2018

Nicola Stevenson, Amanda Haage

Cell Biology

Evidence for an Integrated Gene Repression Mechanism based on mRNA Isoform Toggling in Human cells

Ina Hollerer, Juliet C Barker, Victoria Jorgensen, et al.

Selected by 30 October 2018

Clarice Hong


Revealing the nanoscale morphology of the primary cilium using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy

Joshua Yoon, Colin J. Comerci, Lucien E. Weiss, et al.

Selected by 19 October 2018

Dey Lab

Cell Biology

Comparative analysis of droplet-based ultra-high-throughput single-cell RNA-seq systems

Xiannian Zhang, Tianqi Li, Feng Liu, et al.

Selected by 17 October 2018

Samantha Seah


Synergy with TGFβ ligands switches WNT pathway dynamics from transient to sustained during human pluripotent cell differentiation

Joseph Massey, Yida Liu, Omar Alvarenga, et al.

Selected by 09 October 2018

Pierre Osteil

Developmental Biology

LCM-seq reveals unique transcriptional adaption mechanisms of resistant neurons in spinal muscular atrophy

Susanne Nichterwitz, Helena Storvall, Jik Nijssen, et al.


Axon-seq decodes the motor axon transcriptome and its modulation in response to ALS

Jik Nijssen, Julio Cesar Aguila Benitez, Rein Hoogstraaten, et al.

Selected by 12 September 2018

Yen-Chung Chen

Systems Biology

Simultaneous production of diverse neuronal subtypes during early corticogenesis

Elia Magrinelli, Robin Jan Wagener, Denis Jabaudon

Selected by 29 August 2018

Boyan Bonev

Developmental Biology

Molecular recording of mammalian embryogenesis

Michelle Chan, Zachary D Smith, Stefanie Grosswendt, et al.

Selected by 23 August 2018

Hannah Brunsdon

LADL: Light-activated dynamic looping for endogenous gene expression control

Mayuri Rege, Ji Hun Kim, Jacqueline Valeri, et al.

Selected by 10 August 2018

Ivan Candido-Ferreira


A transition from SoxB1 to SoxE transcription factors is essential for progression from pluripotent blastula cells to neural crest cells

Elsy Buitrago-Delgado, Elizabeth Schock, Kara Nordin, et al.

Selected by 02 August 2018

Amanda Haage

Developmental Biology

An atlas of the aging lung mapped by single cell transcriptomics and deep tissue proteomics

Ilias Angelidis, Lukas M Simon, Isis E Fernandez, et al.

Selected by 11 July 2018

Rob Hynds

Cell Biology