
Search results

Your search returned 41 results.

Neuronal activity drives pathway-specific depolarization of astrocyte distal processes

Moritz Armbruster, Saptarnab Naskar, Jacqueline Garcia, et al.

Selected by 20 July 2021

Kristina Kuhbandner


Single-cell transcriptome analysis of embryonic and adult endothelial cells allows to rank the hemogenic potential of post-natal endothelium

Artem Adamov, Yasmin Natalia Serina Secanechia, Christophe Lancrin

Selected by 15 July 2021

Bobby Ranjan


An Atlas of Cortical Arealization Identifies Dynamic Molecular Signatures

Aparna Bhaduri, Carmen Sandoval-Espinosa, Marcos Otero-Garcia, et al.

Selected by 14 July 2021

Juan Moriano

Developmental Biology

The unique neuronal structure and neuropeptide repertoire in the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi shed light on the evolution of animal nervous systems

Maria Y Sachkova, Eva-Lena Nordmann, Joan J Soto-Àngel, et al.

Selected by 23 April 2021

G. Robert Aguilar


Cytostatic hypothermia and its impact on glioblastoma and survival

Syed Faaiz Enam, Cem Y. Kilic, Jianxi Huang, et al.

Selected by 10 April 2021

Kristina Kuhbandner

Cancer Biology

H3 acetylation selectively promotes basal progenitor proliferation and neocortex expansion by activating TRNP1 expression

Cemil Kerimoglu, Linh Pham, Anton B. Tonchev, et al.

Selected by 05 April 2021

Ana Uzquiano

Cell Biology

Human-specific ARHGAP11B is necessary and sufficient for human-type basal progenitor levels in primate brain organoids

Jan Fischer, Jula Peters, Takashi Namba, et al.

Selected by 03 March 2021

Ana Uzquiano

Developmental Biology

Embryological manipulation to probe early evo-devo in the fish Astyanax mexicanus

Jorge Torres-Paz, Sylvie Rétaux

Selected by 26 November 2020

Paul Gerald L. Sanchez and Stefano Vianello

Developmental Biology

An early cell shape transition drives evolutionary expansion of the human forebrain

Silvia Benito-Kwiecinski, Stefano L. Giandomenico, Magdalena Sutcliffe, et al.

Selected by 31 July 2020

Monica Tambalo et al.

Evolutionary Biology

Miniaturized Devices for Bioluminescence Imaging in Freely Behaving Animals

Dmitrijs Celinskis, Nina Friedman, Mikhail Koksharov, et al.

Selected by 11 July 2020

Mariana De Niz


Lineage recording reveals dynamics of cerebral organoid regionalization

Zhisong He, Tobias Gerber, Ashley Maynard, et al.

Selected by 10 July 2020

David Wilson, Irepan Salvador-Martinez

Developmental Biology

Neural plate targeting by in utero nanoinjection (NEPTUNE) reveals a role for Sptbn2 in neurulation and abdominal wall closure

Katrin Mangold, Jan Mašek, Jingyan He, et al.

Selected by 24 June 2020

Martin Estermann
