
An Atlas of Cortical Arealization Identifies Dynamic Molecular Signatures

Aparna Bhaduri, Carmen Sandoval-Espinosa, Marcos Otero-Garcia, Irene Oh, Raymund Yin, Ugomma C. Eze, Tomasz J. Nowakowski, Arnold R. Kriegstein

Posted on: 14 July 2021

Preprint posted on 18 May 2021

Article now published in Nature at

How is the human brain patterned into different functional areas during development?

Selected by Juan Moriano


During early neurodevelopment, the neural tube consists of neuroepithelial cells arranged as a pseudostratified layer that expand through symmetrical divisions. Later, neuroepithelial cells lose some of their epithelial features and become radial glial cells. Also known as ventricular radial glia, these are bipolar stem cells that span the cerebral cortical wall with an apical process in contact with the ventricular surface, and a long basal process that reaches the pial surface. Radial glia can self-renew and differentiate into basal progenitors, namely intermediate progenitors and outer radial glia that occupy the subventricular zone. These progenitors cells also self-renew and eventually differentiate into neurons, which will in turn migrate radially -using the aformentioned radial glia processes- and position into the growing 6-layered neocortex. Early born neurons fill the deeper layers first, and later born neurons form the more superficial layers in an inside-out arrangement.

While this general scheme holds for the generation of excitatory neurons present throughout the neocortex, neocortical areas differ in cell density, morphology or connectivity, and are functionally specialized (for motor, sensory or higher order cognitive processing). For example, a portion of the neocortex at the caudal telencephalon is devoted to processing visual information (visual cortex), whereas the most rostral part (prefrontal cortex) is thought to be the seat of ‘higher level’ cognitive functions involving a broad set of processes such as perception, emotions or goal-directed behaviors. How the brain is patterned and such differences arise during neurodevelopment is a central topic in the field of developmental biology. Around three decades ago, two main hypotheses were proposed to account for the specification of neocortical areas. Rakic (1988) proposed that progenitor cells are predetermined to acquire area-specific identities and, thus, the neuroepithelium contains a protomap of the future neocortex. On the other hand, O’Leary (1989) supported the view of a initially rather uniform protocortex generated by progenitor cells that, upon environmental influences such as thalamic afferences, acquires area-specific identities. In this preprint, Bhaduri, Sandoval-Espinosa et al. performed single cell transcriptome sequencing and single-molecule in situ fluorescence to examine the dynamics of region and area-specific gene expression signatures in the developing human brain at around midgestation, covering several brain regions and neocortical areas. As a result, this study provides a novel and integrative view of these opposing hypotheses.

Main findings

Bhaduri, Sandoval-Espinosa et al. sequenced the transcriptome of around 700,000 cells from human brain samples aged between 14 to 25 gestational weeks (second trimester of pregnancy), covering ten major brain regions (such as the cortex, the thalamus, the striatum or the cerebellum) and several neocortical areas from the four major subdivisions: frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital regions (see Figure 1 below). Using an iterative hierarchical clustering strategy to group cells by transcriptome similarity and applying differential gene expression tests, the authors identified marker genes for each sampled region and for each main cell type (such as progenitor cells, neurons, astrocytes or oligodendrocytes), as well as inferred their dynamics through the differentiation process. Additionally, the authors used single molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH), a technology that makes use of short, fluorescent DNA probes that hybridize selected gene transcripts, to evaluate the expression level and laminar localization in four cortical areas (prefrontal, somatosensory, temporal and visual cortex) of 31 genes of interest. The single cell RNA-seq and spatial transcriptomic data can be explored at

Figure 1. Brain regions and neocortical areas profiled with single-cell transcriptomics. Figure taken from Figure 1 of the preprint.
  • Performing hierarchical clustering on the single cell transcriptomic data, authors found that, while cells present in the developing human brain primarily group by type (radial glia, neurons, astrocytes, etc), within each cluster there is a segregation of cells coming from a particular region (subclusters for either the cortex, the striatum, etc). Thus, regional signatures are already well-established at the stages examined (from 10 to 25 gestational weeks) to discriminate cells by their place of origin. Indeed, even closely related regions such as the neocortex, the cingulate cortex and the hippocampus can be discriminated by their regional gene signatures, as shown in the following heatmaps (see Figure 2 below).
Figure 2. Marker gene signatures discriminate closely-related cortical regions. Each column represents a marker gene, whose expression is colored by a score from low (blue) to high (red) expression. Each cortical structure is color-coded as depicted at the right margin. Figure taken from Supplementary Figure 2 of the preprint.
  • Specifically for a region considered fundamental for higher cognition, the neocortex, most cell type clusters contain cells from several neocortical areas. Area-specific markers are already observed in progenitor cells – suggesting some degree of early prepatterning- and, more prominently, a marked transcriptomic difference is detected between radia glial cells from two distinct areas: the prefrontal and visual cortical areas. For example, the known arealization gene NR2F1 and the nuclear factors NFIA, NFIB and NFIX are enriched in radial glia from the visual cortex, whereas the outer radial glia-marker HOPX and HES4 are enriched in radial glia from the prefrontal cortex.
    • Some of the area marker genes identified are implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders, as it is the case of the aforementioned NFIA, NFIB and NFIX genes, linked to macrocephaly and cognitive impairment, or the prefontal cortex-enriched gene, HMGB3, in microcephaly.
  • The gene expression of areal identity markers is highly dynamic, with only a small fraction present across cell types at all time points examined (between 10 to 25 gestational weeks). In addition, the area-specific gene signatures observed in neurons at the stages evaluated differ from those present in neurons of the adult human brain, which suggests that the gene expression programs need to be further refined.
  • Some areal identity markers are mutually exclusive in their expression patterns across neocortical areas, and even present a distinctive laminar distribution as observed analyzing set of 31 marker genes using smFISH. For example, subplate markers NR4A2, NEFL and SERPINI1 show co-expression in prefrontal cortex, but differential laminar distribution in the three other regions examined (somatosensory, temporal and visual cortex) (see Figure 3 below). Overall, the networks of co-expressed genes substantially change throughout neocortical areas, and those strongly associated to specific area identities are mutually exclusive (not co-expressed in the same cell).
Figure 3. Spatial and laminar distribution of subplate markers NEFL, NR4A2 and SERPINI1. Figure taken from Figure 4 of the preprint.

Why I chose this preprint

How do neurons acquire brain region and cortical area-specific identities? Bhaduri, Sandoval-Espinosa et al. used the power of single-cell transcriptomics in combination with single-molecule in situ fluorescent hybridization to offer new insights into this key question in the field of developmental biology. This outstanding effort led the authors to present new evidence for a model that combines, and extends, two previous hypotheses: Early during neurodevelopment, neural progenitor cells are primed toward either two fates, to frontal or occipital identities, in line with a partial protomap scenario. Later on, these transcriptional differences become more pronounced and specific areal identities in between the rostrocaudal axis gradually emerged, in consonance with the protocortex hypothesis.
Advancing our understanding of cortical area specification will likely help in the investigation of certain neurodevelopmental disorders. Indeed, novel areal markers identified in this study are implicated in disorders such as micro- and macrocephaly. Additionally, the comprehensive dataset generated, encompassing several weeks of neurogenesis and a wide variety of brain regions and neocortical areas, will be of great value as a reference dataset for future studies aiming at modelling brain development and evolution, for example with the use of brain organoid technologies.

Questions to authors

1. The maturation rates of brain regions is known to differ along the rostrocaudal axis. Could the authors discriminate this source of variation in the analysis to compare the dynamics of gene expression across regions?

2. Is there any functional category over-represented among the gene markers for region and area-specific signatures?

3. Differences in areal gene signatures are already detected in radial glia from the prefrontal and visual cortex. Transcriptional differences become then stronger in neurons. At a stage in between radial glia and neurons, intermediate progenitor cells, however, do not show clear area-specific gene signatures. Can the authors find any explanation for this transient ‘dilution’ of areal signatures in this cell-type?

Tags: areal patterning, brain development, cortical development, single cell rna seq, smfish


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Author's response

The author team shared

1. The maturation rates of brain regions is known to differ along the rostrocaudal axis. Could the authors discriminate this source of variation in the analysis to compare the dynamics of gene expression across regions?

The author team:
Maturation across brain regions is known to vary across the rostrocaudal axis. In this study we did not focus on this feature, but it may explain subsets of the differentially expressed genes. It is hard to control for because the maturation axis differences are not constant. We have previously used gene expression network analysis to show genes that are correlated with maturation signatures (Nowakowski, Bhaduri, Pollen et al Science 2017), and when we look across our larger list of differentially expressed genes, we do validate that the maturation genes are a subset. Additionally, although maturation may be influenced by certain genes, we do not have evidence for whether these may also play a role in patterning the areal identities of the cortex as well.

2. Is there any functional category over-represented among the gene markers for region and area-specific signatures?

The author team:
We have not found functional over-representation yet, but much of this may be because the functions of genes we are seeing during developmental timepoints are not well described or annotated in this context. This is an exciting area for future work.

3. Differences in areal gene signatures are already detected in radial glia from the prefrontal and visual cortex. Transcriptional differences become then stronger in neurons. At a stage in between radial glia and neurons, intermediate progenitor cells, however, do not show clear area-specific gene signatures. Can the authors find any explanation for this transient ‘dilution’ of areal signatures in this cell-type?

The author team:
Actually, in this study we do see evidence for some areal specific genes in intermediate progenitor cells (IPCs). However, we find that the signatures are dynamic, as we observe in the radial glia (RG) and the neurons, meaning they change both across developmental stages and across the differentiation trajectory. We were surprised by how much more similar these IPC transcriptional identities were to neurons than to their RG progenitor counterparts. However, it is true that the intensity of the transcriptomic signature is more pronounced in neurons that in the IPCs.

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List by Alex Eve, Katherine Brown

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This is a preprint repository to organise the preprints and preLights covered through the 'preLights peer support' initiative.


List by preLights peer support

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List by Osvaldo Contreras

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List by Ana Dorrego-Rivas

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BSDB/GenSoc Spring Meeting 2024

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List by Joyce Yu, Katherine Brown

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List by Joyce Yu

‘In preprints’ from Development 2022-2023

A list of the preprints featured in Development's 'In preprints' articles between 2022-2023


List by Alex Eve, Katherine Brown

preLights peer support – preprints of interest

This is a preprint repository to organise the preprints and preLights covered through the 'preLights peer support' initiative.


List by preLights peer support

The Society for Developmental Biology 82nd Annual Meeting

This preList is made up of the preprints discussed during the Society for Developmental Biology 82nd Annual Meeting that took place in Chicago in July 2023.


List by Joyce Yu, Katherine Brown

CSHL 87th Symposium: Stem Cells

Preprints mentioned by speakers at the #CSHLsymp23


List by Alex Eve

Journal of Cell Science meeting ‘Imaging Cell Dynamics’

This preList highlights the preprints discussed at the JCS meeting 'Imaging Cell Dynamics'. The meeting was held from 14 - 17 May 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal and was organised by Erika Holzbaur, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Rob Parton and Michael Way.


List by Helen Zenner

9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination

This preList contains preprints discussed during the 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination. This conference was held in Kona, Hawaii from April 17th to 21st 2023.


List by Martin Estermann

Alumni picks – preLights 5th Birthday

This preList contains preprints that were picked and highlighted by preLights Alumni - an initiative that was set up to mark preLights 5th birthday. More entries will follow throughout February and March 2023.


List by Sergio Menchero et al.

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List by Nándor Lipták


The advances in fibroblast biology preList explores the recent discoveries and preprints of the fibroblast world. Get ready to immerse yourself with this list created for fibroblasts aficionados and lovers, and beyond. Here, my goal is to include preprints of fibroblast biology, heterogeneity, fate, extracellular matrix, behavior, topography, single-cell atlases, spatial transcriptomics, and their matrix!


List by Osvaldo Contreras

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A list of preprints mentioned at the #EESmorphoG virtual meeting in 2021.


List by Alex Eve

EMBL Conference: From functional genomics to systems biology

Preprints presented at the virtual EMBL conference "from functional genomics and systems biology", 16-19 November 2020


List by Jesus Victorino

Single Cell Biology 2020

A list of preprints mentioned at the Wellcome Genome Campus Single Cell Biology 2020 meeting.


List by Alex Eve

Society for Developmental Biology 79th Annual Meeting

Preprints at SDB 2020


List by Irepan Salvador-Martinez, Martin Estermann

FENS 2020

A collection of preprints presented during the virtual meeting of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) in 2020


List by Ana Dorrego-Rivas

Planar Cell Polarity – PCP

This preList contains preprints about the latest findings on Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) in various model organisms at the molecular, cellular and tissue levels.


List by Ana Dorrego-Rivas

Cell Polarity

Recent research from the field of cell polarity is summarized in this list of preprints. It comprises of studies focusing on various forms of cell polarity ranging from epithelial polarity, planar cell polarity to front-to-rear polarity.


List by Yamini Ravichandran

TAGC 2020

Preprints recently presented at the virtual Allied Genetics Conference, April 22-26, 2020. #TAGC20


List by Maiko Kitaoka et al.

3D Gastruloids

A curated list of preprints related to Gastruloids (in vitro models of early development obtained by 3D aggregation of embryonic cells). Updated until July 2021.


List by Paul Gerald L. Sanchez and Stefano Vianello

ASCB EMBO Annual Meeting 2019

A collection of preprints presented at the 2019 ASCB EMBO Meeting in Washington, DC (December 7-11)


List by Madhuja Samaddar et al.

EDBC Alicante 2019

Preprints presented at the European Developmental Biology Congress (EDBC) in Alicante, October 23-26 2019.


List by Sergio Menchero et al.

EMBL Seeing is Believing – Imaging the Molecular Processes of Life

Preprints discussed at the 2019 edition of Seeing is Believing, at EMBL Heidelberg from the 9th-12th October 2019


List by Dey Lab

SDB 78th Annual Meeting 2019

A curation of the preprints presented at the SDB meeting in Boston, July 26-30 2019. The preList will be updated throughout the duration of the meeting.


List by Alex Eve

Lung Disease and Regeneration

This preprint list compiles highlights from the field of lung biology.


List by Rob Hynds

Young Embryologist Network Conference 2019

Preprints presented at the Young Embryologist Network 2019 conference, 13 May, The Francis Crick Institute, London


List by Alex Eve

Pattern formation during development

The aim of this preList is to integrate results about the mechanisms that govern patterning during development, from genes implicated in the processes to theoritical models of pattern formation in nature.


List by Alexa Sadier

BSCB/BSDB Annual Meeting 2019

Preprints presented at the BSCB/BSDB Annual Meeting 2019


List by Dey Lab

Zebrafish immunology

A compilation of cutting-edge research that uses the zebrafish as a model system to elucidate novel immunological mechanisms in health and disease.


List by Shikha Nayar

Also in the genetics category:

End-of-year preprints – the genetics & genomics edition

In this community-driven preList, a group of preLighters, with expertise in different areas of genetics and genomics have worked together to create this preprint reading list. Categories include: 1) genomics 2) bioinformatics 3) gene regulation 4) epigenetics


List by Chee Kiang Ewe et al.

BSDB/GenSoc Spring Meeting 2024

A list of preprints highlighted at the British Society for Developmental Biology and Genetics Society joint Spring meeting 2024 at Warwick, UK.


List by Joyce Yu, Katherine Brown

BSCB-Biochemical Society 2024 Cell Migration meeting

This preList features preprints that were discussed and presented during the BSCB-Biochemical Society 2024 Cell Migration meeting in Birmingham, UK in April 2024. Kindly put together by Sara Morais da Silva, Reviews Editor at Journal of Cell Science.


List by Reinier Prosee

9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination

This preList contains preprints discussed during the 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination. This conference was held in Kona, Hawaii from April 17th to 21st 2023.


List by Martin Estermann

Alumni picks – preLights 5th Birthday

This preList contains preprints that were picked and highlighted by preLights Alumni - an initiative that was set up to mark preLights 5th birthday. More entries will follow throughout February and March 2023.


List by Sergio Menchero et al.

Semmelweis Symposium 2022: 40th anniversary of international medical education at Semmelweis University

This preList contains preprints discussed during the 'Semmelweis Symposium 2022' (7-9 November), organised around the 40th anniversary of international medical education at Semmelweis University covering a wide range of topics.


List by Nándor Lipták

20th “Genetics Workshops in Hungary”, Szeged (25th, September)

In this annual conference, Hungarian geneticists, biochemists and biotechnologists presented their works. Link:


List by Nándor Lipták

2nd Conference of the Visegrád Group Society for Developmental Biology

Preprints from the 2nd Conference of the Visegrád Group Society for Developmental Biology (2-5 September, 2021, Szeged, Hungary)


List by Nándor Lipták

EMBL Conference: From functional genomics to systems biology

Preprints presented at the virtual EMBL conference "from functional genomics and systems biology", 16-19 November 2020


List by Jesus Victorino

TAGC 2020

Preprints recently presented at the virtual Allied Genetics Conference, April 22-26, 2020. #TAGC20


List by Maiko Kitaoka et al.

ECFG15 – Fungal biology

Preprints presented at 15th European Conference on Fungal Genetics 17-20 February 2020 Rome


List by Hiral Shah


Preprints on autophagy and lysosomal degradation and its role in neurodegeneration and disease. Includes molecular mechanisms, upstream signalling and regulation as well as studies on pharmaceutical interventions to upregulate the process.


List by Sandra Malmgren Hill

Also in the neuroscience category:

2024 Hypothalamus GRC

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List by Nathalie Krauth

‘In preprints’ from Development 2022-2023

A list of the preprints featured in Development's 'In preprints' articles between 2022-2023


List by Alex Eve, Katherine Brown

CSHL 87th Symposium: Stem Cells

Preprints mentioned by speakers at the #CSHLsymp23


List by Alex Eve

Journal of Cell Science meeting ‘Imaging Cell Dynamics’

This preList highlights the preprints discussed at the JCS meeting 'Imaging Cell Dynamics'. The meeting was held from 14 - 17 May 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal and was organised by Erika Holzbaur, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Rob Parton and Michael Way.


List by Helen Zenner

FENS 2020

A collection of preprints presented during the virtual meeting of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) in 2020


List by Ana Dorrego-Rivas

ASCB EMBO Annual Meeting 2019

A collection of preprints presented at the 2019 ASCB EMBO Meeting in Washington, DC (December 7-11)


List by Madhuja Samaddar et al.

SDB 78th Annual Meeting 2019

A curation of the preprints presented at the SDB meeting in Boston, July 26-30 2019. The preList will be updated throughout the duration of the meeting.


List by Alex Eve

Young Embryologist Network Conference 2019

Preprints presented at the Young Embryologist Network 2019 conference, 13 May, The Francis Crick Institute, London


List by Alex Eve