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Your search returned 167 results.

Bovine blastocyst like structures derived from stem cell cultures

Carlos A. Pinzón-Arteaga, Yinjuan Wang, Yulei Wei, et al.

Selected by Carly Guiltinan

ARHGEF18 participates in Endothelial Cell Mechano-sensitivity in Response to Flow

Surya Prakash Rao Batta, Marc Rio, Corentin Lebot, et al.

Selected by Aarren Mannion

New functional vessels form after spinal cord injury in zebrafish

Ana Ribeiro, Mariana Rebocho da Costa, Carmen de Sena-Tomás, et al.

Selected by Arsila Ashraf

Antimalarials in mosquitoes overcome Anopheles and Plasmodium resistance to malaria control strategies

Douglas G. , Alexandra S. , Erica, et al.

Selected by Nassif Seni, Helen Robertson

Key roles for kinesin-13 and kinesin-20 in malaria parasite proliferation, polarity and transmission revealed by genome-wide functional analysis

Mohammad Zeeshan, Ravish Rashpa, David J Ferguson, et al.

Selected by Jessica Kehrer

Selective inhibitors of JAK1 targeting a subtype-restricted allosteric cysteine

Madeline E. Kavanagh, Benjamin D. Horning, Roli Khattri, et al.

Selected by Zhang-He Goh

Microstructured hydrogels to guide self-assembly and function of lung alveolospheres

Claudia Loebel, Aaron I. Weiner, Jeremy B. Katzen, et al.

Selected by Julio Sainz de Aja

A persistent behavioral state enables sustained predation of humans by mosquitoes

Trevor R. Sorrells, Anjali Pandey, Adriana Rosas-Villegas, et al.

Selected by Dinesh Natesan

Differential mosquito attraction to humans is associated with skin-derived carboxylic acid levels

Maria Elena De Obaldia, Takeshi Morita, Laura C. Dedmon, et al.

Selected by Kristina Kuhbandner

Using polyacrylamide hydrogels to model physiological aortic stiffness reveals that microtubules are critical regulators of isolated smooth muscle cell morphology and contractility

Sultan Ahmed, Robert. T. Johnson, Reesha Solanki, et al.

Selected by Laura Alonso-Herranz

Human serum triggers antibiotic tolerance in Staphylococcus aureus

Elizabeth V. K. Ledger, Stéphane Mesnage, Andrew M. Edwards

Selected by Snehal Kadam

Extracellular mechanical forces drive endocardial cell volume decrease during cardiac valve morphogenesis

Hélène Vignes, Christina Vagena-Pantoula, Mangal Prakash, et al.

Selected by Julia Grzymkowski
