Distributed correlates of visually-guided behavior across the mouse brain
Selected by
17 December 2018
Craig Bertram

Psychiatric risk gene NT5C2 regulates protein translation in human neural progenitor cells
Selected by
07 December 2018
Joanna Cross

Predation risk and resource abundance mediate foraging behaviour and intraspecific resource partitioning among consumers in dominance hierarchies
Selected by
26 October 2018
Rasmus Ern

Antlions are sensitive to subnanometer amplitude vibrations carried by sand substrates
Selected by
09 October 2018
James Foster

Optogenetic manipulation of medullary neurons in the locust optic lobe
Selected by
30 July 2018
Ana Patricia Ramos

Phenotypic landscape of schizophrenia-associated genes defines candidates and their shared functions
Selected by
20 July 2018
Daniel Grimes