Overdominant mutations restrict the adaptive loss of heterozygosity at linked loci
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07 June 2021
Mariana Natalino

Ecological basis and genetic architecture of crypsis polymorphism in the desert clicker grasshopper (Ligurotettix coquilletti)
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27 May 2021
Riddhi Deshmukh

Repurposing of Synaptonemal Complex Proteins for Kinetochores in Kinetoplastida
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17 May 2021
Hiral Shah, Dey Lab

Emergent RNA-RNA interactions can promote stability in a nascent phototrophic endosymbiosis
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17 May 2021
Olivia Tidswell

Sexual conflict promotes species coexistence through negative frequency dependence
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15 May 2021
Chloe Melo-Gavin

The unique neuronal structure and neuropeptide repertoire in the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi shed light on the evolution of animal nervous systems
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23 April 2021
G. Robert Aguilar