
Filtered by genomics category

Prospective, brain-wide labeling of neuronal subclasses with enhancer-driven AAVs

Lucas T Graybuck, Adriana Sedeño-Cortés, Thuc Nghi Nguyen, et al.

Selected by 27 February 2019

Jesus Victorino


Self-reporting transposons enable simultaneous readout of gene expression and transcription factor binding in single cells

Arnav Moudgil, Michael N Wilkinson, Xuhua Chen, et al.

Selected by 20 February 2019

James Briscoe


High-throughput functional analysis of lncRNA core promoters elucidates rules governing tissue-specificity

Kaia Mattioli, Pieter-Jan Volders, Chiara Gerhardinger, et al.

Selected by 29 January 2019

Clarice Hong

Systems Biology

Reconstruction of the global neural crest gene regulatory network in vivo

Ruth M Williams, Ivan Candido-Ferreira, Emmanouela Repapi, et al.

Selected by 28 January 2019

Hannah Brunsdon


Charting a tissue from single-cell transcriptomes

Mor Nitzan, Nikos Karaiskos, Nir Friedman, et al.

Selected by 24 January 2019

Irepan Salvador-Martinez

Systems Biology

Single cell RNA-Seq reveals distinct stem cell populations that drive sensory hair cell regeneration in response to loss of Fgf and Notch signaling

Mark E. Lush, Daniel C. Diaz, Nina Koenecke, et al.


Distinct progenitor populations mediate regeneration in the zebrafish lateral line.

Eric D Thomas, David Raible

Selected by 18 January 2019

Rudra Nayan Das

Developmental Biology