
Filtered by molecular biology category

A limited number of double-strand DNA breaks are sufficient to delay cell cycle progression.

Jeroen van den Berg, Anna G. Manjon, Karoline Kielbassa, et al.

Selected by 01 August 2018

Leighton Daigh

Cell Biology

Template switching causes artificial junction formation and false identification of circular RNAs

Chong Tang, Tian Yu, Yeming Xie, et al.

Selected by 23 July 2018

Fabio Liberante


Dynamics and interactions of ADP/ATP transporter AAC3 in DPC detergent are not functionally relevant

Vilius Kurauskas, Audrey Hessel, François Dehez, et al.


Major concerns with the integrity of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier in dodecyl-phosphocholine used for solution NMR studies

Martin S. King, Paul G. Crichton, Jonathan J. Ruprecht, et al.

Selected by 23 July 2018

Reid Alderson


Targeting light-gated chloride channels to neuronal somatodendritic domain reduces their excitatory effect in the axon

Jessica Messier, Hongmei Chen, Zhao-Lin Cai, et al.


High-efficiency optogenetic silencing with soma-targeted anion-conducting channelrhodopsins

Mathias Mahn, Lihi Gibor, Katayun Cohen-Kashi Malina, et al.

Selected by 22 July 2018

Mahesh Karnani


Glutamic acid is a carrier for hydrazine during the biosyntheses of fosfazinomycin and kinamycin

Kwo-Kwang Abraham Wang, Tai L. Ng, Peng Wang, et al.

Selected by 19 July 2018

Ellis O'Neill


The Histone H3-H4 Tetramer is a Copper Reductase Enzyme

Narsis Attar, Oscar A Campos, Maria Vogelauer, et al.

Selected by 18 July 2018

Lauren Neves

Molecular Biology