
Search results

Your search returned 709 results.

Oxycodone decreases anxiety-like behavior in the elevated plus-maze test in male and female rats

Adriaan W. Bruijnzeel, Azin Behnood-Rod, Wendi Malphurs, et al.

Selected by 07 February 2022

Nándor Lipták

Animal Behavior and Cognition

cGAS recruitment to micronuclei is dictated by pre-existing nuclear chromatin status

Kate M. MacDonald, Shirony Nicholson-Puthenveedu, Maha M. Tageldein, et al.

Selected by 01 February 2022

Roberto Amadio

Cell Biology

Transplantable human thyroid organoids generated from embryonic stem cells to rescue hypothyroidism

Mírian Romitti, Barbara de Faria da Fonsecaa, Gilles Doumont, et al.

Selected by 10 January 2022

Anna Meier

Developmental Biology

Using polyacrylamide hydrogels to model physiological aortic stiffness reveals that microtubules are critical regulators of isolated smooth muscle cell morphology and contractility

Sultan Ahmed, Robert. T. Johnson, Reesha Solanki, et al.

Selected by 29 December 2021

Laura Alonso-Herranz

Cell Biology

Sex-specific topology of the nociceptive circuit shapes dimorphic behavior in C. elegans

Vladyslava Pechuk, Yehuda Salzberg, Gal Goldman, et al.

Selected by 23 December 2021

Chee Kiang Ewe

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Drag-and-drop genome insertion without DNA cleavage with CRISPR-directed integrases

Eleonora I. Ioannidi, Matthew T. N. Yarnall, Cian Schmitt-Ulms, et al.

Selected by 15 December 2021

Louise Moyle et al.


piRNAs regulate a Hedgehog germline-to-soma pro-aging signal

Cheng Shi, Coleen T. Murphy

Selected by 09 December 2021

Chee Kiang Ewe

Developmental Biology

Cephalopod Retinal Development Shows Vertebrate-like Mechanisms of Neurogenesis

Francesca Napoli, Christina M. Daly, Stephanie Neal, et al.

Selected by 06 December 2021

Niveda Udaykumar

Developmental Biology

In situ architecture of the ciliary base reveals the stepwise assembly of IFT trains

Hugo van den Hoek, Nikolai Klena, Mareike A. Jordan, et al.

Selected by 15 November 2021

Nicola Stevenson

Cell Biology

NLR immune receptor-nanobody fusions confer plant disease resistance

Jiorgos Kourelis, Clémence Marchal, Sophien Kamoun

Selected by 04 November 2021

Marc Somssich


FAIR enough? A perspective on the status of nucleotide sequence data and metadata on public archives

Christiane Hassenrück, Tobias Poprick, Véronique Helfer, et al.

Selected by 03 November 2021

Kristina Kuhbandner


CHD8 regulates gut epithelial cell function and affects autism-related behaviours through the gut-brain axis

Ipsita Chatterjee, Dimitry Getselter, Nasreen Ghaneem, et al.

Selected by 03 November 2021

Nándor Lipták

Animal Behavior and Cognition