A new calcium-activated dynein adaptor protein, CRACR2a, regulates clathrin-independent endocytic traffic in T cells
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04 July 2018
Nicola Stevenson

Functional testing of a human PBX3 variant in zebrafish reveals a potential modifier role in congenital heart defects
Selected by
03 July 2018
Hannah Brunsdon

Mitotic chromosome alignment is required for proper nuclear envelope reassembly
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03 July 2018
Maiko Kitaoka

Timed collinear activation of Hox genes during gastrulation controls the avian forelimb position
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27 June 2018
Wouter Masselink

WNT signaling memory is required for ACTIVIN to function as a morphogen in human gastruloids
Selected by
27 June 2018
Sundar Naganathan

Using a robotic fish to investigate individual differences in social responsiveness in the guppy
Selected by
26 June 2018
Rasmus Ern

Large-scale, quantitative protein assays on a high-throughput DNA sequencing chip
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26 June 2018
Samantha Seah

Structural Basis of Tubulin Recruitment and Assembly by Tumor Overexpressed Gene (TOG) domain array Microtubule Polymerases
Roles for tubulin recruitment and self-organization by TOG domain arrays in Microtubule plus-end tracking and polymerase
Selected by
25 June 2018
Ben Craske, Gaetan Dias Mirandela, Thibault Legal and Toni McHugh

Human macrophages survive and adopt activated genotypes in living zebrafish
Selected by
24 June 2018
Giuliana Clemente

Spatiotemporally controlled Myosin relocalization and internal pressure cause biased cortical extension to generate sibling cell size asymmetry
Selected by
24 June 2018
Giuliana Clemente

The genomic basis of colour pattern polymorphism in the harlequin ladybird
Selected by
21 June 2018
Fillip Port

Nuclear decoupling is part of a rapid protein-level cellular response to high-intensity mechanical loading
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20 June 2018
Rebecca Quelch