
Search results

Your search returned 115 results.

EHD2-mediated restriction of caveolar dynamics regulates cellular lipid uptake

Claudia Matthaeus, Ines Lahmann, Severine Kunz, et al.

Selected by 04 February 2019

Andreas Müller

Cell Biology

A metabolic switch from OXPHOS to glycolysis is essential for cardiomyocyte proliferation in the regenerating heart

Hessel Honkoop, Dennis de Bakker, Alla Aharonov, et al.

Selected by 30 January 2019

Andreas van Impel

Developmental Biology

A complex containing lysine-acetylated actin inhibits the formin INF2

Mu A, Tak Shun Fung, Arminja N. Kettenbach, et al.

Selected by 25 January 2019

Laura McCormick


Imaging mechanical properties of sub-micron ECM in live zebrafish using Brillouin microscopy

Carlo Bevilacqua, Héctor Sánchez Iranzo, Dmitry Richter, et al.

Selected by 08 January 2019

Stephan Daetwyler


Activation of intracellular transport by relieving KIF1C autoinhibition

Nida Siddiqui, Alice Bachmann, Alexander J Zwetsloot, et al.

Selected by 07 January 2019

Ben Craske, Gaetan Dias Mirandela, Thibault Legal and Toni McHugh

Cell Biology

Reduced mitochondrial lipid oxidation leads to fat accumulation in myosteatosis

Jonathan P Gumucio, Austin H Qasawa, Patrick J Ferrara, et al.

Selected by 07 January 2019

Pablo Ranea Robles


PUMILIO hyperactivity drives premature aging of Norad-deficient mice

Florian Kopp, Mehmet Yalvac, Beibei Chen, et al.

Selected by 09 October 2018

Carmen Adriaens


Analysis of the role of Nidogen/entactin in basement membrane assembly and morphogenesis in Drosophila

Jianli Dai, Beatriz Estrada, Sofie Jacobs, et al.

Selected by 30 August 2018

Nargess Khalilgharibi

Developmental Biology

A novel mechanism of gland formation in zebrafish involving transdifferentiation of renal epithelial cells and live cell extrusion

Richard W Naylor, Alan J Davidson

Selected by 17 July 2018

Giuliana Clemente

Developmental Biology

Clathrin plaques form mechanotransducing platforms

Agathe Franck, Jeanne Laine, Gilles Moulay, et al.

Selected by 06 June 2018

Amanda Haage

Cell Biology

Limb- and tendon-specific Adamtsl2 deletion identifies a soft tissue mechanism modulating bone length

Dirk Hubmacher, Stetson Thacker, Sheila M Adams, et al.

Selected by 30 May 2018

Alberto Rosello-Diez

Developmental Biology

Novel functions for integrin-associated proteins revealed by myofibril attachment in Drosophila

Hannah Jane Green, Annabel Griffiths, Nicholas Brown

Selected by 18 May 2018

Jon Humphries
