
Search results

Your search returned 522 results.

Nuclear soluble cGAS senses DNA virus infection

Yakun Wu, Kun Song, Wenzhuo Hao, et al.

Selected by 16 September 2021

Roberto Amadio


Rapid redistribution and extensive binding of NANOG and GATA6 at shared regulatory elements underlie specification of divergent cell fates

Joyce J. Thompson, Daniel J. Lee, Apratim Mitra, et al.

Selected by 16 September 2021

María Mariner-Faulí


Analysis of subcellular transcriptomes by RNA proximity labeling with Halo-seq

Krysta L. Engel, Hei-Yong G. Lo, Raeann Goering, et al.

Selected by 15 September 2021

Ashleigh Davey

Molecular Biology

Three-axis classification of mouse lung mesenchymal cells reveals two populations of myofibroblasts

Odemaris Narvaez del Pilar, Jichao Chen

Selected by 08 September 2021

Sagar Varankar

Cell Biology

A deep mutational scanning platform to characterize the fitness landscape of anti-CRISPR proteins

Tobias Stadelmann, Daniel Heid, Michael Jendrusch, et al.

Selected by 03 September 2021

Soni Mohapatra


Multiscale light-sheet organoid imaging framework

Gustavo de Medeiros, Raphael Ortiz, Petr Strnad, et al.

Selected by 29 August 2021

Osvaldo Contreras


Lightning Fast and Highly Sensitive Full-Length single-cell sequencing using FLASH-Seq

Vincent Hahaut, Dinko Pavlinic, Cameron Cowan, et al.

Selected by 12 August 2021

Jennifer Ann Black


Borgs are giant extrachromosomal elements with the potential to augment methane oxidation

Basem Al-Shayeb, Marie C. Schoelmerich, Jacob West-Roberts, et al.

Selected by 12 August 2021

Kerryn Elliott

Cell Biology

After traumatic brain injury oligodendrocytes regain a plastic phenotype and can become astrocytes

Xianshu Bai, Na Zhao, Wenhui Huang, et al.

Selected by 06 August 2021

Ranabir Chakraborty


The roles of NADPH oxidases during adult zebrafish fin regeneration

Kunal Chopra, Milda Folkmanaitė, Liam Stockdale, et al.

Selected by 06 August 2021

Julia Grzymkowski

Developmental Biology

Astrocyte plasticity ensures continued endfoot coverage of cerebral blood vessels and integrity of the blood brain barrier, with plasticity declining with normal aging

William A. Mills III, Shan Jiang, Joelle Martin, et al.

Selected by 20 July 2021

Ranabir Chakraborty


Inflammatory blockade prevents injury to the developing pulmonary gas exchange surface in preterm primates

Andrea Toth, Shelby Steinmeyer, Paranthaman Kannan, et al.

Selected by 19 July 2021

Sagar Varankar

Developmental Biology