SWI/SNF remains localized to chromatin in the presence of SCHLAP1
Selected by
15 June 2018
Carmen Adriaens
Widespread inter-individual gene expression variability in Arabidopsis thaliana
Selected by
15 June 2018
Martin Balcerowicz
Controlling CRISPR-Cas9 with ligand-activated and ligand-deactivated sgRNAs
Selected by
14 June 2018
Samantha Seah
Transcription factor TAp73 and miRNA-449 cooperate in multiciliogenesis
Selected by
13 June 2018
Daniel Grimes
Presence of midline cilia supersedes the expression of Lefty1 in forming the midline barrier during the establishment of left-right asymmetry
Selected by
08 June 2018
Hannah Brunsdon
Clathrin plaques form mechanotransducing platforms
Selected by
06 June 2018
Amanda Haage
Molecular dynamics simulations disclose early stages of the photo-activation of cryptochrome 4
Selected by
04 June 2018
Miriam Liedvogel
Photoperiod sensing of the circadian clock is controlled by ELF3 and GI
Selected by
01 June 2018
Annika Weimer
Sparse recurrent excitatory connectivity in the microcircuit of the adult mouse and human cortex
Selected by
31 May 2018
Mahesh Karnani
Limb- and tendon-specific Adamtsl2 deletion identifies a soft tissue mechanism modulating bone length
Selected by
30 May 2018
Alberto Rosello-Diez
A non-cell autonomous actin redistribution enables isotropic retinal growth
Selected by
30 May 2018
Yara E. Sánchez Corrales
Radially-patterned cell behaviours during tube budding from an epithelium
Selected by
29 May 2018
Natalie Dye