ER-PM contacts regulate apical domain formation in hepatocytes
Selected by
04 June 2020
Helen Zenner

Polarized endosome dynamics engage cytosolic Par-3 and dynein during asymmetric division
Selected by
29 May 2020
Giuliana Clemente
L-bodies are novel RNA-protein condensates driving RNA transport in Xenopus oocytes
Selected by
28 May 2020
Maiko Kitaoka

Self-organized patterning of cell morphology via mechanosensitive feedback
Selected by
22 May 2020
Mariana De Niz

Transcriptional control of apical protein clustering drives de novo cell polarity establishment in the early mouse embryo
Selected by
01 May 2020
Aswini Babu

Cell polarity
Recent research from the field of cell polarity is summarized in this list of preprints. It comprises of studies focusing on various forms of cell polarity ranging from epithelial polarity, planar cell polarity to front-to-rear polarity.
List by | Yamini Ravichandran |
Kinetochore protein Spindly controls microtubule polarity in Drosophila axons
Selected by
27 April 2020
Mafalda Pimentel

Intrinsically disordered domain of kinesin-3 Kif14 enables unique functional diversity
Selected by
14 April 2020
Ben Craske, Gaetan Dias Mirandela, Thibault Legal and Toni McHugh

The single flagellum of Leishmania has a fixed polarisation of its asymmetric beat
Selected by
06 April 2020
Mariana De Niz

Loss of epithelial polarity redirects Notch signaling and triggers a Xrp1 response during neoplastic growth in Drosophila
Selected by
27 February 2020
Sally Lowell

On-demand spatiotemporal programming of collective cell migration via bioelectric stimulation
Selected by
23 February 2020
Mariana De Niz

Mechanical control of morphogenesis robustness
Selected by
10 February 2020
Helen Zenner