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Your search returned 14 results.

Temporal constraints on enhancer usage shape the regulation of limb gene transcription

Raquel Rouco, Antonella Rauseo, Guillaume Sapin, et al.

Selected by María Mariner-Faulí

Glutamate helps unmask the differences in driving forces for phase separation versus clustering of FET family proteins in sub-saturated solutions

Mrityunjoy Kar, Laura T. Vogel, Gaurav Chauhan, et al.

Selected by Erich Sohn

ATM-dependent formation of a novel chromatin compartment regulates the Response to DNA Double Strand Breaks and the biogenesis of translocations

Coline Arnould, Vincent Rocher, Aldo S. Bader, et al.

Selected by Jennifer Ann Black

A “spindle and thread”-mechanism unblocks translation of N-terminally disordered proteins

Margit Kaldmäe, Thibault Vosselman, Xueying Zhong, et al.

Selected by Utrecht Protein Folding and Assembly

MCM complexes are barriers that restrict cohesin-mediated loop extrusion

Bart J. H. Dequeker, Hugo B. Brandão, Matthias J. Scherr, et al.

Selected by Jennifer Ann Black

Orphan CpG islands boost the regulatory activity of poised enhancers and dictate the responsiveness of their target genes

Tomás Pachano, Víctor Sánchez-Gaya, María Mariner-Faulí, et al.

Selected by Jesus Victorino

CTCF Mediates Dosage and Sequence-context-dependent Transcriptional Insulation through Formation of Local Chromatin Domains

Hui Huang, Quan Zhu, Adam Jussila, et al.

Selected by Clarice Hong

Sister-chromatid-sensitive Hi-C reveals the conformation of replicated human chromosomes

Michael Mitter, Catherina Gasser, Zsuzsanna Takacs, et al.

Selected by Parna Saha

Resolving the 3D landscape of transcription-linked mammalian chromatin folding

Tsung-Han S. Hsieh, Elena Slobodyanyuk, Anders S. Hansen, et al.

Selected by Clarice Hong

Developmentally regulated Shh expression is robust to TAD perturbations

Iain Williamson, Lauren Kane, Paul S. Devenney, et al.

Selected by Jesus Victorino

Preformed Chromatin Topology Assists Transcriptional Robustness of Shh during Limb Development

Christina Paliou, Philine Guckelberger, Robert Schöpflin, et al.

Selected by Rafael Galupa

Functional dissection of tads reveals non-essential and instructive roles in regulating gene expression

Alexandra Despang, Robert Schöpflin, Martin Franke, et al.

Selected by Clarice Hong