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Your search returned 36 results.

Enrichment of gut microbiome strains for cultivation-free genome sequencing using droplet microfluidics

Anna Pryszlak, Tobias Wenzel, Kiley West Seitz, et al.

Selected by Afonso Mendes

Species-specific developmental timing dictates expansion of the avian wing skeletal pattern

Holly Stainton, Matthew Towers

Selected by Teresa Rayon

Deep Learning Enables Individual Xenograft Cell Classification in Histological Images by Analysis of Contextual Features

Quentin Juppet, Fabio De Martino, Martin Weigert, et al.

Selected by Mariana De Niz

Embryological manipulation to probe early evo-devo in the fish Astyanax mexicanus

Jorge Torres-Paz, Sylvie Rétaux

Selected by Paul Gerald L. Sanchez and Stefano Vianello

Genetically-Modified Macrophages Accelerate Myelin Repair

Vanja Tepavčević, Gaelle Dufayet-Chaffaud, Marie-Stephane Aigrot, et al.

Selected by Kristina Kuhbandner

Human alveolar Type 2 epithelium transdifferentiates into metaplastic KRT5+ basal cells during alveolar repair

Jaymin J. Kathiriya, Chaoqun Wang, Alexis Brumwell, et al.

Selected by Julio Sainz de Aja

Dectin-1 limits central nervous system autoimmunity through a non-canonical pathway

M. Elizabeth Deerhake, Keiko Danzaki, Makoto Inoue, et al.

Selected by Pedro Papotto

transplantation of Muscle Stem Cell Mitochondria Rejuvenates the Bioenergetic Function of Dystrophic Muscle

Mahir Mohiuddin, Jeongmoon J. Choi, et al.

Selected by Andrea Irazoki

Astrocytes and neurons share brain region-specific transcriptional signatures

Álvaro Herrero-Navarro, Lorenzo Puche-Aroca, Verónica Moreno-Juan, et al.

Selected by Idoia Quintana-Urzainqui

Macrophages transfer mitochondria to sensory neurons to resolve inflammatory pain

Ramin Raoof, Michiel van der Vlist, Hanneke L.D.M. Willemen, et al.

Selected by Giuliana Clemente

Differentiation of human intestinal organoids with endogenous vascular endothelial cells

Emily M. Holloway, Joshua H. Wu, Michael Czerwinkski, et al.

Selected by Nozomu Takata

Genetic Developmental Timing Revealed by Inter-Species transplantations in Fish

Jana Franziska Fuhrmann, Lorena Buono, Juan Ramón Martinez Morales, et al.

Selected by Martin Estermann
