

preLights is participating in the #PreprintReviewChallenge

On 22 September preLights will be joining ASAPbio for the #PreprintReviewChallenge as part of Peer Review Week 2020. In a live session hosted online, we will get together to write constructive comments and reviews on preprints, with the aim to develop the largest collection of public commentary on preprinted research…

Posted on 24 August 2020

Meet the preLighters: an interview with Nicola Stevenson

Nicola Stevenson is a senior postdoc at the University of Bristol in the lab of Prof David Stephens and has worked on various cellular processes such as intracellular trafficking, ciliogenesis and extracellular matrix secretion. We caught up with Nicola to talk about her research and experience with preprints and preLights.…

Posted on 6 July 2020

Survey about online seminars/conferences – we want to hear from you!

The ongoing pandemic has resulted in many scientific conferences moving to an online format, and researchers who can no longer attend seminars at their institutes have been organising and attending various virtual seminar series (e.g. on The Node there are currently over 40 online events listed in developmental biology and…

Posted on 23 June 2020

bioRxiv preprint on the role of preprints in the COVID-19 pandemic

In a collaboration with Nicholas Fraser, Liam Brierley and Jessica Polka, preLighters Jonny Coates (corresponding author), Gautam Dey and preLights Community Manager Máté Pálfy have posted a preprint on bioRxiv that analyses various attributes of COVID-19 preprints including their publishing and peer review, and also looks at how they were used by…

Posted on 27 May 2020

preLights webinar with Jessica Polka: Commenting on preprints

We recently started an internal webinar series for the preLights community to discuss topics such as effective scientific writing, new developments in preprints, innovations in publishing and peer review, or science outreach. For our second webinar we were honoured to have Jessica Polka, Executive Director of ASAPbio, join us as…

Posted on 21 May 2020

preLights featured on Nature Index

We are thrilled that Nature Index has highlighted preLights in a new post that discusses platforms that review and curate preprints. With a special emphasis on the surge in COVID-19 preprints, the article also features the website and quotes from Jonny Coates, the preLighter who built the website, and…

Posted on 20 May 2020