66th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, 2022
Preprints presented at the 66th BPS Annual Meeting, Feb 19 - 23, 2022 (The below list is not exhaustive and the preprints are listed in no particular order.)
List by Soni MohapatraPreprints:
Single-molecule imaging of cytoplasmic dynein in cellulo reveals the mechanism of motor activation and cargo capture
Proximity-assisted photoactivation (PAPA): Detecting molecular interactions in live-cell single-molecule imaging
Relaxation time asymmetry in stator dynamics of the bacterial flagellar motor
Determinants of trafficking, conduction, and disease within a K+ channel revealed through multiparametric deep mutational scanning
Molecular architecture of the human caveolin-1 complex
Label-free tracking and mass measurement of single proteins on lipid bilayers
A liquid +TIP-network regulates microtubule dynamics through tubulin condensation
Formin’s nucleation activity influences actin filament length
The Astrin-SKAP Complex Reduces Friction at the Kinetochore-Microtubule Interface
Cryo-EM Structures of Prestin and the Molecular Basis of Outer Hair Cell Electromotility
Rapid 40S scanning and its regulation by mRNA structure during eukaryotic translation initiation
Influence of effective polarization on ion and water interactions within a biomimetic nanopore
Multiplexed Detection of Molecular Interactions with DNA Origami Engineered Cells in 3-D Collagen Matrices
Imaging of sub-cellular fluctuations provides a rapid way to observe bacterial viability and response to antibiotics
Distinctive mechanisms of epilepsy-causing mutants discovered by measuring S4 movement in KCNQ2 channels
Multi-modal Single-molecule Imaging with Continuously Controlled Spectral-resolution (CoCoS) Microscopy
Lipid tracking at kilohertz sampling rates on live cell membranes through Interferometric Scattering microscopy
Nanocrown electrodes for reliable and robust intracellular recording of cardiomyocytes and cardiotoxicity screening
Actin-microtubule dynamic composite forms responsive active matter with memory
The Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA-repair helicase UvrD1 is activated by redox-dependent dimerization via a 2B domain cysteine conserved in other Actinobacteria
Structural features of Dnase1L3 responsible for serum antigen clearance
Interaction of the TonB dependent transporter HasR with its cognate TonB-like protein HasB in a membrane environment
Characterizing the conformational free-energy landscape of RNA using single-molecule field-effect transistors
Pseudomonas aeruginosa differentiates substrate rigidity using retraction of type IV pili
Live cell imaging reveals that RecA finds homologous DNA by reduced dimensionality search
Membrane surfaces regulate assembly of a ribonucleoprotein condensate
Conformational Changes in the Negative Arm of the Circadian Clock Correlate with Dynamic Interactomes Involved in Post-transcriptionally Regulated Processes
A model-guided pipeline for drug cardiotoxicity screening with human stem-cell derived cardiomyocytes
Categories: biophysics
Posted on: 2 March 2022 , updated on: 3 March 2022
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Jonathan Townson

Target cell tension regulates macrophage trogocytosis
Felipe Del Valle Batalla

Restoring mechanophenotype reverts malignant properties of ECM-enriched vocal fold cancer
Teodora Piskova