Advances in microscopy
This preList highlights exciting unpublished preprint articles describing advances in microscopy with a focus on light-sheet microscopy.
List by Stephan DaetwylerPreprints:
Light-sheet microscopy with isotropic, sub-micron resolution and solvent-independent large-scale imaging
This preprint article describes a novel cleared tissue microscope for a wide range of clearing solutions and with unprecedented axial resolution.
The mesoSPIM initiative: open-source light-sheet mesoscopes for imaging in cleared tissue
This preprint article describes a novel open-source cleared tissue microscope ideally suited to image large samples such as whole organisms.
Multi-immersion open-top light-sheet microscope for high-throughput imaging of cleared tissues
This preprint article describes a novel microscope for cleared tissue which is particularly suited for clinical samples.
About samples, giving examples: Optimized Single Molecule Localization Microscopy
This helpful preprint introduces a comprehensive list of tips and tricks acquired over years of experience for Single Molecule Localization Microscopy techniques such as single-color Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM) and multicolor DNA Points Accumulation for imaging in Nanoscale Topography (DNA-PAINT).
Simultaneous multiplane imaging with reverberation multiphoton microscopy
This preprint introduces an interesting concept of volumentric imaging in multiphoton microscopy, termed reverberation MPM. The technique can be implemented as simple add-on on existing multiphoton microscopes.
Dense neuronal reconstruction through X-ray holographic nano-tomography
To extract neuronal morphologies, scientists often rely on visible light and electron microscopy. Here, Pacureanu et al. demonstrate that X-ray holographic nano-tomography provides a new avenue for this field, especially for dense neuronal circuitry. They further demonstrate that convolutional neural networks enables rapid segmentation and extraction of neuronal morphologies.
VIEW-MOD: A Versatile Illumination Engine With a Modular Optical Design for Fluorescence Microscopy
Bei Liu and colleagues present VIEW-MOD, a versatile system combining vaTIRF, point-scanning and light sheet imaging modalities into one imaging platform. The different imaging modalities will enable new biological studies beyond the limits of a single technique.
Categories: bioengineering
Posted on: 20 May 2019 , updated on: 14 June 2019
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