
Giuliana Clemente

University of Bristol

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Manchester in the lab of Dr Thomas Millard. My research goal is to define mechanism(s) of cell migration and routing in complex in vivo settings using the humble yet powerful fruit fly.

I completed my pre-doctoral studies at the University of Dundee (Scotland) under the supervision of Professor Arno Müller. During my PhD, being fascinated by cytoskeleton dynamics during cell division and cell migration, I contributed to the characterisation of the mitotic and post-mitotic functions of Drosophila Spindly.



Giuliana Clemente has added 13 preLight posts

Preprint peer review enhances undergraduate biology students’ disciplinary literacy and sense of belonging in STEM

Josie L. Otto, Gary S McDowell, Meena M. Balgopal, et al.

Selected by 14 December 2022

Reinier Prosee et al.

Scientific Communication and Education

The Drosophila anterior-posterior axis is polarized by asymmetric myosin activation

Hélène Doerflinger, Vitaly Zimyanin, Daniel St Johnston

Selected by 09 June 2021

Giuliana Clemente

Developmental Biology

Mitophagy protects beta cells from inflammatory damage in diabetes

Vaibhav Sidarala, Gemma L. Pearson, Vishal S. Parekh, et al.

Selected by 23 June 2020

Giuliana Clemente

Cell Biology

Cell clusters adopt a collective amoeboid mode of migration in confined non-adhesive environments.

Diane-Laure Pagès, Emmanuel Dornier, Jean De Seze, et al.

Selected by 08 June 2020

Giuliana Clemente

Polarized endosome dynamics engage cytosolic Par-3 and dynein during asymmetric division

Xiang Zhao, Kai Tong, Xingye Chen, et al.

Selected by 29 May 2020

Giuliana Clemente

Macrophages transfer mitochondria to sensory neurons to resolve inflammatory pain

Ramin Raoof, Michiel van der Vlist, Hanneke L.D.M. Willemen, et al.

Selected by 15 May 2020

Giuliana Clemente

Modulation of neuronal resilience during aging by Hsp70/Hsp90/STI1 chaperone system

Rachel Lackie, Abdul Razzaq, Sali M.K. Farhan, et al.

Selected by 12 June 2019

Giuliana Clemente

A conserved MFS orchestrates a subset of O-glycosylation to facilitate macrophage dissemination and tissue invasion

Katarina Valoskova, Julia Biebl, Marko Roblek, et al.

Selected by 23 January 2019

Giuliana Clemente

Cancer Biology

PIKfyve/Fab1 is required for efficient V-ATPase and hydrolase delivery to phagosomes, phagosomal killing, and restriction of Legionella infection

Catherine M Buckley, Victoria L Heath, Aurelie Gueho, et al.

Selected by 13 September 2018

Giuliana Clemente

Cell Biology

Aurora A depletion reveals centrosome-independent polarization mechanism in C. elegans

Kerstin Klinkert, Nicolas Levernier, Peter Gross, et al.


Centrosome Aurora A gradient ensures a single PAR-2 polarity axis by regulating RhoGEF ECT-2 localization in C. elegans embryos

Sachin Kotak, Sukriti Kapoor

Selected by 09 September 2018

Giuliana Clemente

Cell Biology

A novel mechanism of gland formation in zebrafish involving transdifferentiation of renal epithelial cells and live cell extrusion

Richard W Naylor, Alan J Davidson

Selected by 17 July 2018

Giuliana Clemente

Developmental Biology

Human macrophages survive and adopt activated genotypes in living zebrafish

Colin D. Paul, Alexus Devine, Kevin Bishop, et al.

Selected by 24 June 2018

Giuliana Clemente

Developmental Biology

Giuliana Clemente has collaborated with:

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