
Search results

Your search returned 105 results.

The polyol pathway is a crucial glucose sensor in Drosophila

Hiroko Sano, Akira Nakamura, Mariko Yamane, et al.

Selected by 04 May 2020

Vaibhav Menon


Kin structure and roost fidelity in greater noctule bats

João D. Santos, Christoph F.J. Meyer, Carlos Ibáñez, et al.

Selected by 22 April 2020

Baheerathan Murugavel

Animal Behavior and Cognition

Early-life social experience shapes social avoidance reactions in larval zebrafish

Antonia H. Groneberg, João C. Marques, A. Lucas Martins, et al.

Selected by 15 April 2020

Sahana Sitaraman


Trophectoderm Potency is Retained Exclusively in Human Naïve Cells

Ge Guo, Giuliano Giuseppe Stirparo, Stanley Strawbridge, et al.

Selected by 01 March 2020

Sergio Menchero

Developmental Biology

Six new reference-quality bat genomes illuminate the molecular basis and evolution of bat adaptations

David Jebb, Zixia Huang, Martin Pippel, et al.

Selected by 08 February 2020

Alexa Sadier, Alexa Sadier


Differences in mitochondrial activity trigger cell competition during early mouse development

Ana Lima, Gabriele Lubatti, Jörg Burgstaller, et al.

Selected by 29 January 2020

Teresa Rayon

Developmental Biology

The transcriptional legacy of developmental stochasticity

Sara Ballouz, Maria T. Pena, Frank M. Knight, et al.

Selected by 23 January 2020

Sergio Menchero


Growth factor-mediated coupling between lineage size and cell fate choice underlies robustness of mammalian development

Néstor Saiz, Laura Mora-Bitria, Shahadat Rahman, et al.

Selected by 19 January 2020

Pierre Osteil, Irepan Salvador-Martinez

Developmental Biology

Behavioral signatures of a developing neural code

Lilach Avitan, Zac Pujic, Jan Mölter, et al.

Selected by 12 January 2020

Amrutha Swaminathan

Animal Behavior and Cognition

GIV•Kindlin interaction is required for Kindlin-Mediated Integrin Recognition and Activation

Cristina Rohena, Nicholas Kalogriopoulos, Navin Rajapakse, et al.

Selected by 03 January 2020


Cell Biology

EXO70A2 is critical for the exocyst complex function in Arabidopsis pollen

Vedrana Marković, Fatima Cvrčková, Martin Potocký, et al.

Selected by 27 November 2019

Chandra Shekhar Misra

Developmental Biology

The Wnt pathway scaffold protein Axin promotes signaling specificity by suppressing competing kinase reactions

Maire Gavagan, Elizabeth Speltz, Jesse Zalatan

Selected by 17 September 2019

Yasmin Lau
