
Light-microscopy based dense connectomic reconstruction of mammalian brain tissue

Mojtaba R. Tavakoli, Julia Lyudchik, Michał Januszewski, Vitali Vistunou, Nathalie Agudelo, Jakob Vorlaufer, Christoph Sommer, Caroline Kreuzinger, Barbara Oliveira, Alban Cenameri, Gaia Novarino, Viren Jain, Johann Danzl

Posted on: 10 June 2024

Preprint posted on 2 March 2024

LICONN uses molecular labelling and deep learning to reconstruct brain circuitry, bridging the gap between EM and molecular specificity.

Selected by Cemre Coskun

Categories: neuroscience

The brain consists of a complex network of neurons and other cells. To understand its spatial organization and connectivity, developing advanced imaging techniques is crucial. While light microscopy has potential and its resolution can be improved by various methods and applications [1,2], it has not been used for connectomic studies. In contrast, electron microscopy (EM) offers very high resolution, and is the instrument of choice for detailed connectomic analysis. However, EM also has its limitations e.g. in molecular labelling and relies on light microscopy for this information [3].

In this study, a technology called LICONN (Light Microscopy based Connectomics) is introduced, combining high-fidelity hydrogel expansion, protein-density staining, and deep-learning-based segmentation, enabling synaptic-resolution reconstruction of brain circuitry with light microscopy. LICONN bridges the gap between the resolution of electron microscopy and the molecular specificity of light microscopy, offering a powerful tool for understanding brain circuitry in greater detail.

Key Findings

Improved resolution by expansion microscopy and automated segmentation

The technology presented in this preprint uses expansion microscopy, a method which relies on expanding a tissue using hydrogel to enhance resolution for light microscopy [2]. Through iterative expansion steps, the authors achieved high-fidelity tissue preservation and traceability of neuronal structures. By integrating fluorescent labelling of molecules, the method allowed comprehensive visualisation of cellular ultrastructure at nanoscale resolution.

After validating the traceability of the neuronal structures by manual tracing, the authors aimed to analyse larger volumes using deep learning-based segmentation algorithms. Flood-Filling Networks were trained on manually traced images and applied to mouse hippocampal CA1 region data. Through an iterative process of model predictions and manual proofreading, the automated segmentation produced accurate reconstructions of axons, dendrites, and nearly all correctly attached spines.

The authors were able to demonstrate LICONN’s capability for precise connectomic analysis comparable to what can be achieved by using EM.

Identification of structures across diverse brain areas with molecular labelling

The authors next sought to use LICONN to integrate structural and molecular information, with a particular focus on synaptic connections. By applying immunolabelling, they were able to visualise molecular components within the tissue’s 3D architecture. This approach allowed for the identification and characterisation of synaptic proteins, gap junction proteins, and subcellular structures.

Ultimately, this study demonstrates the power of molecularly-annotated connectomics in providing detailed insights into brain organisation and function across multiple spatial scales, cell types, and communication modalities.

Deep-learning based synapse detection

To enhance circuit analysis efficiency and overcome microscopy limitations, the authors adopted a deep learning approach predicting locations of the synaptic molecules rather than immunolabelling and imaging them directly. Convolutional neural networks were trained to predict localization of pre-synaptic and post-synaptic proteins using the correlation between molecular features and local architecture in the structural channel. The evaluation of independent datasets showed high consistency with ground truth immunolabelling data, demonstrating the fidelity of synaptic location predictions. Overall, connectivity patterns were analysed in a volume without immunollabelling, revealing dense synaptic connectivity mapped onto individual neurite segments.


LICONN enables dense 3D reconstruction of neurites, synapses, and molecular annotations in large tissue volumes, combining manual and automated methods for accurate structural mapping with light microscopy images. It achieves reliable, accurate detection of chemical as well as electrical connectivity and other subcellular structures using either immunolabelling and/or deep-learning based approaches, surpassing the limitations of traditional electron microscopy-based connectomics.

What I like about this preprint

Connectomics is changing the way neuroscientists explore the brain’s intricate networks. As a neuroscientist myself, I find it incredibly exciting to witness advancements in connectomic techniques. This preprint stands out by presenting a novel method that achieves synaptic-resolution reconstruction using standard confocal microscopy rather than electron microscopy. This method leverages equipment that is widely available in many research institutions, potentially improving access to high-resolution connectomic analysis.

Questions for the authors

  • Have you tested the LICONN technology on brain tissue from organisms other than mice?
  • How do you envision LICONN being integrated into current connectomic studies, and what impact do you think it will have on the field?
  • What criteria did you use to select the antibodies for immunolabelling, and would the size of the antibody be an important factor as you are working at nanoscale resolution?


  1. Lothar Schermelleh et al., Super-resolution microscopy demystified. Nat Cell Biol 21, 72–84 (2019).
  2. Fei Chen et al., Expansion microscopy. Science 347, 543-548 (2015). doi:10.1126/science.1260088
  3. Pascal de Boer et al., Correlated light and electron microscopy: ultrastructure lights up!. Nat Methods 12, 503–513 (2015).

Tags: connectomics, expansion microscopy, mouse brain, neuroscience, synaptic resolution


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Author's response

Mojtaba R. Tavakoli shared

Have you tested the LICONN technology on brain tissue from organisms other than mice?

We have applied LICONN on a diverse range of biological samples, such as cultured cells (primary cultured neurons, human osteosarcoma U-2 OS and HeLa cells), bacteria, fly brain, mouse brain tissues and human brain biopsy samples.

How do you envision LICONN being integrated into current connectomic studies, and what impact do you think it will have on the field?

Because LICONN sample preparation and data acquisition of relatively large volume can be achieved within short period of time (1 Mio. cubic micrometer within 5 days, covering sample preparation and data acquisition steps, with 6.5 hrs. of acquisition time; however, 6.5 hrs. is not the limit.), we envision and encourage that LICONN technology can be adopted by any research group or institution, equipped with a confocal microscope and connectomics studies can be conducted routinely at a high throughput, to e.g. address plasticity phenomena of neural circuit in the ageing process and carry out comparative studies within/across species with different genotypes. Equally important, we envision that studies of neural circuit at dense connectomics level can be supplemented with 1) molecular composition (e.g. protein and RNA) of individual synapse (both chemical and electrical) and 2) studies of neuromodulators and their regulatory mechanisms, exerted on the brain circuit and its function.
Beyond connectomics studies, LICONN can be applied to easily study 3D-morphological and intracellular changes, e.g. due to difference in genotype and/or drug-treatment.

What criteria did you use to select the antibodies for immunolabeling, and would the size of the antibody be an important factor as you are working at nanoscale resolution?

Synaptic antibodies and their combinations were selected to verify that “dense projection” and “dense staining” in the pan-protein “structural channel” are pre-, and post-synapses. Moreover, we were interested in distinguishing between excitatory and inhibitory synapses and therefore stained for components of excitatory (Shank2” and/or vGlut1) and inhibitory (Gephyrin” and/ or “vGAT) machineries. In EM-based connectomics studies, identifying electrical synapses are challenging. We aimed to address this challenge by targeting specifically gap-junctions using antibodies against Connexins. With LICONN, we as well molecularly identified cell-types and subcellular structures such as cilia.
The size of antibodies can indeed be an issue when working at resolution below the size of primary and/or secondary antibodies (combined), which is between 15-30 nm. Since fluorophores are conjugated to primary or secondary antibodies, detected signals are displaced from target proteins by the distance indicated above. This signal displacement is referred to as “linkage error”. When antibodies are applied before the expansion procedure, then one has to keep in mind this linkage error, especially when expansion factors of greater than 10-fold is desired (with 10-fold expansion factor a lateral resolution of ~20 nm can be achieved, which is in the range of antibody size). In LICONN, however, antibodies are applied post-expansion and the linkage error is reduced by the expansion factor (30 nm/16 ~ 2 nm) because both antibodies and epitopes of target proteins remain in each other’s proximity. This is not the case when antibodies are applied pre-expansion.

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