
Search results

Your search returned 117 results.

Simple and effective serum-free medium for sustained expansion of bovine satellite cells for cell cultured meat

Andrew J. Stout, Addison B. Mirliani, Eugene C. White, et al.

Selected by 05 June 2021

Kristina Kuhbandner


Foldamers Reveal and Validate Novel Therapeutic Targets Associated with Toxic α-Synuclein Self-Assembly

Jemil Ahmed, Tessa C. Fitch, Courtney M. Donnelly, et al.

Selected by 05 June 2021

Joanna Zell


Coronary blood vessels from distinct origins converge to equivalent states during mouse and human development

Ragini Phansalkar, Josephine Krieger, Mingming Zhao, et al.

Selected by 04 June 2021

Yen Tran, Osvaldo Contreras

Developmental Biology

Aerobic glycolysis is important for zebrafish larval wound closure and tail regeneration

Claire A. Scott, Tom J. Carney, Enrique Amaya

Selected by 13 May 2021

Jonny Coates


Resident Cardiac Macrophages Mediate Adaptive Myocardial Remodeling

Nicole R. Wong, Jay Mohan, Benjamin J Kopecky, et al.

Selected by 30 April 2021

Laura Alonso-Herranz


Enteric pathogens induce tissue tolerance and prevent neuronal loss from subsequent infections

Tomasz Ahrends, Begüm Aydin, Fanny Matheis, et al.

Selected by 23 April 2021

Anirban Baral


A copper chaperone-mimetic polytherapy for SOD1-associated amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

McAlary L., Shephard V.K., Wright G.S.A., et al.

Selected by 09 April 2021

Utrecht Protein Folding and Assembly


The force loading rate drives cell mechanosensing through both reinforcement and fluidization

Ion Andreu, Bryan Falcones, Sebastian Hurst, et al.

Selected by 20 March 2021

Jessica L. Teo


Endothelial junctional membrane protrusions serve as hotspots for neutrophil transmigration

Janine J.G. Arts, Eike K. Mahlandt, Max L.B. Grönloh, et al.

Selected by 19 February 2021

Jonny Coates

Cell Biology

Skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction in mice is linked to bone loss via the bone marrow immune microenvironment

Jingwen Tian, Ji Sun Moon, Ha Thi Nga, et al.

Selected by 17 February 2021

Andrea Irazoki


Hidden limbs in the “limbless skink” Brachymeles lukbani: developmental observations

Daniel Smith-Paredes, Oliver Griffith, Matteo Fabbri, et al.

Selected by 03 February 2021

Alexa Sadier

Developmental Biology

Lysosomal retargeting of Myoferlin mitigates membrane stress to enable pancreatic cancer growth

Suprit Gupta, Julian Yano, Htet Htwe Htwe, et al.

Selected by 27 January 2021

Berrak Ugur

Cancer Biology