
Search results

Your search returned 146 results.

Quantification of microenvironmental metabolites in murine cancer models reveals determinants of tumor nutrient availability

Mark R Sullivan, Laura V Danai, Caroline A Lewis, et al.

Selected by Maria Rafaeva

On-site ribosome remodeling by locally synthesized ribosomal proteins in axons

Toshiaki Shigeoka, Max Koppers, Hovy Ho-Wai Wong, et al.

Selected by Srivats Venkataramanan

MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 activates Fanconi Anemia R-loop suppression at transcription-replication conflicts

Emily Yun-Chia Chang, James P Wells, Shu-Huei Tsai, et al.

Selected by Katie Weiner

Unlimited genetic switches for cell-type specific manipulation

Jorge Garcia-Marques, Ching-Po Yang, Isabel Espinosa-Medina, et al.

Selected by Rafael Almeida

Imaging mechanical properties of sub-micron ECM in live zebrafish using Brillouin microscopy

Carlo Bevilacqua, Héctor Sánchez Iranzo, Dmitry Richter, et al.

Selected by Stephan Daetwyler

Reduced mitochondrial lipid oxidation leads to fat accumulation in myosteatosis

Jonathan P Gumucio, Austin H Qasawa, Patrick J Ferrara, et al.

Selected by Pablo Ranea Robles

Inter-organ growth coordination is mediated by the Xrp1/Dilp8 axis in Drosophila

Laura Boulan, Ditte Andersen, Julien Colombani, et al.

Selected by Alberto Rosello-Diez

Ribosomal DNA and the rDNA-binding protein Indra mediate non-random sister chromatid segregation in Drosophila male germline stem cells

George Watase, Yukiko Yamashita

Selected by Maiko Kitaoka

The microbial basis of impaired wound healing: differential roles for pathogens, "bystanders", and strain-level diversification in clinical outcomes

Lindsay Kalan, Jacquelyn S Meisel, Michael A Loesche, et al.

Selected by Snehal Kadam

Lysosome exocytosis is required for mitosis

Charlotte Nugues, Nordine Helassa, Robert Burgoyne, et al.

Selected by claudia conte

Target-specific precision of CRISPR-mediated genome editing

Anob M Chakrabarti, Tristan Henser-Brownhill, Josep Monserrat, et al.

Selected by Rob Hynds

LCM-seq reveals unique transcriptional adaption mechanisms of resistant neurons in spinal muscular atrophy

Susanne Nichterwitz, Helena Storvall, Jik Nijssen, et al.


Axon-seq decodes the motor axon transcriptome and its modulation in response to ALS

Jik Nijssen, Julio Cesar Aguila Benitez, Rein Hoogstraaten, et al.

Selected by Yen-Chung Chen