
Search results

Your search returned 202 results.

Restructuring of an asymmetric neural circuit during associative learning

Leo T.H. Tang, Garrett A. Lee, Steven J. Cook, et al.

Selected by 30 January 2023

Chee Kiang Ewe

Animal Behavior and Cognition

The developmental basis for scaling of mammalian tooth size

Mona M. Christensen, Outi Hallikas, Rishi Das Roy, et al.

Selected by 18 January 2023

Alexa Sadier

Developmental Biology

Transcriptional units form the elementary constraining building blocks of the bacterial chromosome

Amaury Bignaud, Charlotte Cockram, Eric Allemand, et al.

Selected by 13 January 2023

Jennifer Ann Black


An improved Erk biosensor reveals oscillatory Erk dynamics driven by mitotic erasure during early development

Scott G. Wilcockson, Luca Guglielmi, Pablo Araguas Rodriguez, et al.

Selected by 21 December 2022

Sakurako Kobayashi

Developmental Biology

An Arp2/3-cPLA2-NFκB axis acts as a Cell Shape Sensor to drive Homeostatic Migration of Dendritic Cells

Zahraa Alraies, Claudia A. Rivera, Maria-Graciela Delgado, et al.

Selected by 03 October 2022

Jade Chan

Cell Biology

Mechanosensitive dynamics of lysosomes regulates the emergence of leader cells during collective cell migration

Rituraj Marwaha, Simran Rawal, Purnati Khuntia, et al.

Selected by 12 September 2022

Jade Chan

Cell Biology

Stem cell-derived mouse embryos develop within an extra-embryonic yolk sac to form anterior brain regions and a beating heart

Gianluca Amadei, Charlotte E Handford, Joachim De Jonghe, et al.


Mouse-embryo model derived exclusively from embryonic stem cells undergo neurulation and heart development

Kasey Y.C. Lau, Hernan Rubinstein, Carlos W. Gantner, et al.

Selected by 05 September 2022

Monica Tambalo et al.

Cell Biology

PHYTOMap: Multiplexed single-cell 3D spatial gene expression analysis in plant tissue

Tatsuya Nobori, Marina Oliva, Ryan Lister, et al.

Selected by 02 September 2022

Gwendolyn K. Kirschner, Marc Somssich


A single cell spatial temporal atlas of skeletal muscle reveals cellular neighborhoods that orchestrate regeneration and become disrupted in aging

Yu Xin Wang, Colin A. Holbrook, James N. Hamilton, et al.

Selected by 15 August 2022

Jessica Chevallier


Morphodynamic Atlas for Drosophila Development

Noah P Mitchell, Matthew F Lefebvre, Vishank Jain-Sharma, et al.

Selected by 10 July 2022

Andrew Montequin

Developmental Biology

Comparative developmental genomics of sex-biased gene expression in early embryogenesis across mammals

Victorya Richardson, Kai Zhang, Nora Engel, et al.

Selected by 14 June 2022

Carly Guiltinan

Developmental Biology

Periodic spatial patterning with a single morphogen

Sheng Wang, Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo, Michael B. Elowitz

Selected by 24 May 2022

Jake Cornwall-Scoones

Developmental Biology