
Search results

Your search returned 139 results.

CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene deletion of the ompA gene in an Enterobacter gut symbiont impairs biofilm formation and reduces gut colonization of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes

Shivanand Hegde, Pornjarim Nilyanimit, Elena Kozlova, et al.

Selected by 21 September 2018

Snehal Kadam


Aurora A depletion reveals centrosome-independent polarization mechanism in C. elegans

Kerstin Klinkert, Nicolas Levernier, Peter Gross, et al.


Centrosome Aurora A gradient ensures a single PAR-2 polarity axis by regulating RhoGEF ECT-2 localization in C. elegans embryos

Sachin Kotak, Sukriti Kapoor

Selected by 09 September 2018

Giuliana Clemente

Cell Biology

Simultaneous production of diverse neuronal subtypes during early corticogenesis

Elia Magrinelli, Robin Jan Wagener, Denis Jabaudon

Selected by 29 August 2018

Boyan Bonev

Developmental Biology

Site-specific K63 ubiquitinomics reveals post-initiation regulation of ribosomes under oxidative stress

Songhee Back, Christine Vogel, Gustavo M Silva

Selected by 28 August 2018

Srivats Venkataramanan


Molecular recording of mammalian embryogenesis

Michelle Chan, Zachary D Smith, Stefanie Grosswendt, et al.

Selected by 23 August 2018

Hannah Brunsdon

Live imaging of Aiptasia larvae, a model system for studying coral bleaching, using a simple microfluidic device

Will Van Treuren, Kara Brower, Louai Labanieh, et al.

Selected by 09 August 2018

Samantha Seah


Soil microbial habitats in an extreme desert Mars-analogue environment

Kimberley Warren-Rhodes, Kevin Lee, Stephen Archer, et al.

Selected by 26 July 2018

Daphne Ng


Ecological analyses of mycobacteria in showerhead biofilms and their relevance to human health

Matthew Gebert, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Angela Oliverio, et al.

Selected by 24 July 2018

Hannah Behrens


Fbxw7 is a critical regulator of Schwann cell myelinating potential

Breanne L Harty, Fernanda Coelho, Sarah D Ackerman, et al.

Selected by 14 July 2018

Yen-Chung Chen

Developmental Biology

Mouse dLGN receives input from a diverse population of retinal ganglion cells with limited convergence

Miroslav Román Rosón, Yannik Bauer, Philipp Berens, et al.

Selected by 04 July 2018

Polona Jager


A new calcium-activated dynein adaptor protein, CRACR2a, regulates clathrin-independent endocytic traffic in T cells

Yuxiao Wang, Walter Huynh, Taylor Skokan, et al.

Selected by 04 July 2018

Nicola Stevenson

Cell Biology

Single-cell Map of Diverse Immune Phenotypes Driven by the Tumor Microenvironment

Elham Azizi, Ambrose J. Carr, George Plitas, et al.

Selected by 17 May 2018

Tim Fessenden
