
Angika Basant

I am a postdoc in Michael Way’s group at the Francis Crick Institute, London. I use Vaccinia virus-infected cells as a model to understand how complex signalling networks are organised. My PhD training was in Michael Glotzer’s lab at the University of Chicago, where I studied division plane positioning, primarily in C. elegans embryos. In addition to innate cell signalling mechanisms, I am interested in synthetic signalling and host-pathogen interactions, and like to learn new optogenetics and quantitative imaging methods.

I also enjoy singing slow, melodious songs and dancing to catchy tunes. I routinely perform these talents as well (to the private, appreciative audience of lab microscopes).

Angika Basant has added 10 preLight posts

Enveloped viruses show increased propensity to cross-species transmission and zoonosis

Ana Valero-Rello, Rafael Sanjuán

Selected by 29 August 2022

Angika Basant


Bacterial filamentation is an in vivo mechanism for cell-to-cell spreading

Tuan D Tran, Munira Aman Ali, Davin Lee, et al.

Selected by 30 January 2022

Angika Basant


Ultrasensitive RNA biosensors for SARS-CoV-2 detection in a simple color and luminescence assay

Anirudh Chakravarthy, Anirudh K N, Geen George, et al.

Selected by 05 February 2021

Angika Basant

Molecular Biology

Optoribogenetic control of regulatory RNA molecules

Sebastian Pilsl, Charles Morgan, Moujab Choukeife, et al.

Selected by 05 August 2020

Angika Basant

Molecular Biology

Evolutionarily diverse LIM domain-containing proteins bind stressed actin filaments through a conserved mechanism

Jonathan D. Winkelman, Caitlin A. Anderson, Cristian Suarez, et al.


Mechanosensing through direct binding of tensed F-actin by LIM domains

Xiaoyu Sun, Donovan Y. Z. Phua, Lucas Axiotakis Jr., et al.

Selected by 15 April 2020

Angika Basant

Cell Biology

Pick-ya actin: A method to purify actin isoforms with bespoke key post-translational modifications

Tomoyuki Hatano, Lavanya Sivashanmugam, Andrejus Suchenko, et al.

Selected by 19 December 2019

Angika Basant


PP1 and PP2A use opposite phospho-dependencies to control distinct processes at the kinetochore

Richard J Smith, Marilia H Cordeiro, Norman E Davey, et al.

Selected by 17 July 2019

Angika Basant

Cell Biology

A pair of E3 ubiquitin ligases compete to regulate filopodial dynamics and axon guidance

Nicholas P Boyer, Laura E McCormick, Fabio L Urbina, et al.

Selected by 28 February 2019

Angika Basant

Cell Biology

Tension on kinetochore substrates is insufficient to prevent Aurora-triggered detachment

Anna K de Regt, Charles L Asbury, Sue Biggins

Selected by 11 November 2018

Angika Basant

Cell Biology

Optogenetic dissection of mitotic spindle positioning in vivo

Lars-Eric Fielmich, Ruben Schmidt, Daniel J Dickinson, et al.

Selected by 05 August 2018

Angika Basant

Cell Biology

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