Evolutionarily diverse LIM domain-containing proteins bind stressed actin filaments through a conserved mechanism
Posted on: 15 April 2020 , updated on: 24 April 2020
Preprint posted on 10 March 2020
Article now published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences at http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2004656117
Mechanosensing through direct binding of tensed F-actin by LIM domains
Posted on: , updated on: 24 April 2020
Preprint posted on 7 March 2020
Article now published in Developmental Cell at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2020.09.022
Can molecular signatures within cells reveal mechanical stress? How are they recognised? Two preprints present evidence that actin filaments under duress may relay the message by directly recruiting multi-contextual LIM domains.
Selected by Angika BasantCategories: biochemistry, cell biology
An immune cell binding its target, a cancer cell migrating through a tissue, a neuronal precursor finding its position in the brain, a dividing cell moving in an epithelial sheet – all have at least one thing in common. They sense and adapt to forces and mechanical cues. Membrane proteins are typically the first-responders to such signals. For example, conformational changes occur in the extracellular domain of the T-cell receptor when its ligand binds (1), and the protein talin undergoes force-dependent stretching at adhesions (2). Are peripheral molecules alone in detecting mechanical changes?
In adhesive cells, actomyosin bundles called stress fibres span the cell, linking cell-matrix adhesion sites. They have been thought of as second messengers for mechanical signals (3). How would they transmit information? Stress fibres undergo breakage when stretched and are subsequently repaired. Some proteins bind strained sites on stress fibres, zyxin being the best characterised among them (4, 5). But curiously, zyxin does not accumulate much with actin when spun down in co-sedimentation assays (6).
Zyxin belongs to a large group of proteins containing a modular protein-binding interface called the LIM domain. This collection of proteins is very diverse, encompassing kinases, transcription factors and cytoskeletal regulators (7). Zyxin has 3 LIM domains which are required for stress fibre binding. LIM domains typically comprise 50-60 amino acids with 8 highly conserved cysteine and histidine residues at defined intervals allowing coordination of two zinc ions (7). Other zinc-finger-containing domains can bind DNA and lipids but an interaction with actomyosin is not established (8). What do LIM domains recognise on stress fibres? Can any LIM domain bind actomyosin? Some transcription factors and activators contain LIM domains, could they perhaps sense mechanical stress?
Key findings:
The preprints first address the extent of stress fibre-binding among LIM domains, beyond those of zyxin. Screening LIM domain-containing sequences from various LIM protein sub-families, they test for localisation to stress fibre strain sites in response to natural breakage, laser-ablation or cell stretching. Though not all LIM domains mimic zyxin, several members of paxillin, FHL and testin families show localisation to stressed sites. These LIM domains were interchangeable for function, for instance domains from a transcriptional activator FHL2 could replace those of zyxin. Rather interestingly, LIM modules from fission yeast protein Pxl1 can also do the same. Though the repertoire of LIM proteins in yeast is small, this indicates that mechanosensitivity in LIM domains can be traced back to these unikonts.
In vitro assays demonstrate that LIM domains can bind naked, strained actin; no connecting proteins are required. Labeled actin filaments polymerised on coverslips were strained by adding/activating myosin molecules in the imaging chamber. LIM domains accumulate at specific sites on actin only upon motor activity. Furthermore, binding of LIM domains is not restricted to actin stressed by myosin pulling forces. Winkelman et al show that LIM domains also accumulate at sites of breakage and strain in a burst of polymerising actin. The specific actin conformation involved in this binding could explain why zyxin does not appreciably co-sediment with bulk actin.
What distinguishes LIM domains that bind actin? Sun et al demonstrate that a highly conserved phenylalanine residue in the primary sequence is critical for stress fibre binding. Winkelman et al highlight unique elements of LIM domain organization. Binders tend to have 3 or more LIM domains that are linked in tandem (not in parallel), and inter-domain linkers of ~8 residues are ideal; longer linkers result in poor actin binding.
Finally, Sun et al also show that tensed actin retains transcriptional activator FHL2 in the cytosol (out of the nucleus) providing a possible link between mechanical status of a cell and gene expression.
What I like about these preprints:
Away from the cell surface, there are few molecular details as to how a cell would detect mechanical strain to mount a suitable response. These studies provide mechanistic insight into this problem. In addition, it is great to see two separate studies addressing the same theme, arriving at similar conclusions yet bringing out distinct aspects of the mechanism.
Questions for the authors:
- The results obviously point to a structural feature on actin that LIM domains recognise. Are there intermediates known in cofilin-mediated severing that might resemble stressed actin and may point to what LIM domains interact with?
- In in vitro assays is it possible to discern the length (number of actin subunits) and thickness (number of bundled filaments) that favour LIM domain binding?
- Would you expect “non-binders” from say the Lhx family of transcription factors to still bind F-actin weakly, which may play a role in their nuclear function?
- Blumenthal and Burkhardt, Journal of Cell Biology, (2020)
- Hu et al., Protein Science (2017)
- Martino et al., Frontiers in Physiology (2018)
- Smith et al., Developmental Cell (2010)
- Smith et al., PLoS ONE (2013)
- Crawford et al., Journal of Cell Biology (1992)
- Kadrmas and Beckerle, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology (2004)
- Laity et al., Current Opinion in Structural Biology (2001)
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