An early cell shape transition drives evolutionary expansion of the human forebrain
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31 July 2020
Monica Tambalo et al.

L-bodies are novel RNA-protein condensates driving RNA transport in Xenopus oocytes
Selected by
28 May 2020
Maiko Kitaoka

PLK1- and PLK4-mediated asymmetric mitotic centrosome size and positioning in the early zebrafish embryo
Selected by
05 May 2020
Maiko Kitaoka

Selfish mitochondria exploit nutrient status across different levels of selection
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13 April 2020
Maiko Kitaoka

Insights from a survey-based analysis of the academic job market
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08 December 2019
Jonny Coates et al.

The effect of bioRxiv preprints on citations and altmetrics
Selected by
18 July 2019
Jonny Coates, Maiko Kitaoka

The spindle assembly checkpoint functions during early development in non-chordate embryos
Selected by
03 April 2019
Maiko Kitaoka

Mutations in the Insulator Protein Suppressor of Hairy Wing Induce Genome Instability
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20 March 2019
Maiko Kitaoka

Tracking the popularity and outcomes of all bioRxiv preprints
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30 January 2019
Dey Lab et al.

Ribosomal DNA and the rDNA-binding protein Indra mediate non-random sister chromatid segregation in Drosophila male germline stem cells
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20 December 2018
Maiko Kitaoka

An F-actin shell ruptures the nuclear envelope by sorting pore-dense and pore-free membranes in meiosis of starfish oocytes
Selected by
19 December 2018
Maiko Kitaoka

The modular mechanism of chromocenter formation in Drosophila
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11 December 2018
Maiko Kitaoka

ASCB | EMBO Cell Bio *virtual* 2020
Preprints + open discussions related to work presented at Cell Bio 2020 in December
List by | Dey Lab et al. |
TAGC 2020
Preprints recently presented at the virtual Allied Genetics Conference, April 22-26, 2020. #TAGC20
List by | Maiko Kitaoka et al. |
ASCB EMBO Annual Meeting 2019
A collection of preprints presented at the 2019 ASCB EMBO Meeting in Washington, DC (December 7-11)
List by | Madhuja Samaddar et al. |