Annelid functional genomics reveal the origins of bilaterian life cycles
Posted on: 10 March 2022
Preprint posted on 6 February 2022
Article now published in Nature at
Categories: developmental biology, evolutionary biology
There are several major hypotheses for the origin of larvae and one fundamental question is whether larvae are ancestral or have evolved secondarily. One major hypothesis is the “intercalation” hypothesis1-2, which suggests that larval stages were added to the life history of animals multiple times independently. Conversely, the “terminal addition”3-4 hypothesis suggests that larvae were an ancestral form that was shared across metazoans.
Liang and Martín-Zamora and colleagues take a comparative genetics approach using several annelid species, with a specific focus on the worm Owenia fusiformis clarify larval and adult origins. O. fusiformis is a species of annelid worm that branched off earlier than some of the other studied annelids and has a distinctive mitraria larva which lacks the characteristic ciliary bands of the trochophore larvae of other annelids (Figure 1).

Key findings
First, the authors utilized chromosome-scale genome sequencing in O. fusiformis and found 12 chromosomes with an almost complete set of metazoan BUSCO genes (97.5%) and these 12 chromosomes were linked to the 22 ancestral linkage groups in bilaterians. They developed stage-specific transcriptomes, which revealed two main phases of gene expression: one during larval formation and the second during larval growth and metamorphosis into the juvenile.
Next, they looked at the formation of the trunk in different annelid species. While there was a similar complement and arrangement of Hox genes in the annelids Capitella telata and Platynereis dumerilii, they found that O. fusiformis does not express Hox genes during embryogenesis, but instead activates them in the trunk rudiment during larval growth, similar to the echiuran annelid Urechis unicinctus and other marine invertebrate larvae referred to as “head” larvae5-6.
Using ATACseq, the authors discovered two different sets of cis-regulatory elements mirrored the transcriptional dynamics they had observed in their RNAseq data, corroborating their hypothesis that there are two distinct modules active during Owenia development.
Finally, they analyzed whether novel genes impact transcriptomic differences using phylostratigraphy, they showed that the changes in expression of novel/younger genes occurred in the juvenile stage, and that novel genes were not correlated with the larval stage. They then performed pairwise comparisons of the transcriptomes of O. fusiformis and C. telata and then applied this to other published transcriptomes of seven other metazoan species.
They concluded that neither the intercalation nor terminal addition hypothesis explain their findings, but instead suggest that mitiria larva of O. fusiformis develops from a head territory, while trunk differentiation occurs late in larval development before the start of metamorphosis (Figure 2). They point out that these deferred development patterns many apply to other annelid species and potentially bilaterians in general.

What I like about this work
I started graduate school in the Lowe Lab in 2016, when our lab had just published a paper on the role of Hox patterning in the species of indirect developing hemichordates we study (Schizocardium californicum)7. Similar to what Liang and Martín-Zamora have observed here, Paul Gonzalez had found expression of Hox genes late in larval development, again extending the hypothesis of larvae as swimming heads.
This paper is significant to me for several reasons. First, I appreciated the compelling biological story the authors told from an extensive genomics data set. The addition of colorimetric in-situs of Hox gene expression in O. fusiformis complemented the genomics and illustrated a clear expression pattern of trunk delay. They successfully overcame a continuing challenge for the Evo-Devo field, which will be turning large genomic data sets into meaningful biological studies.
Another strength of the manuscript was how comprehensive the authors were in the choice of species and developmental staging. When they analyzed transcriptomic data from multiple species and stages, they used a correlative index (Jensen-Shannon Divergence) to suggest which stages were most similar transcriptionally across species. This is in contrast from relying on morphological landmarks than may be challenging to compare across the development of different species.
Open Questions
The pattern of trunk development in late larvae is particularly interesting. What causes Hox gene expression to occur when it does? And when Hox expression does start, do you think this expression is in larval cells (cells that may not continue into the adult) or cells that are specified for the adult?
To what extent do you think it will be possible to compare the cells in the rudiment of Owenia to other organisms with delayed trunk formation?
And finally, many annelids seem to have striking regenerative capacities of the trunk. Does Owenia? I’m curious if this delayed trunk program could be reactivated in regeneration responses or if a different genetic module would be deployed.
- Raff, R. A. Origins of the other metazoan body plans: the evolution of larval forms.
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 363, 1473-1479 (2008). - Sly, B. J., Snoke, M. S. & Raff, R. A. Who came first – larvae or adults? Origins of
bilaterian metazoan larvae. Int J Dev Biol 47, 623-632 (2003). - Nielsen, C. Origin and evolution of animal life cycles. Biol Rev 73, 125-155 (1998).
- Davidson, E. H., Peterson, K. J. & Cameron, R. A. Origin of bilaterian body plans:
evolution of developmental regulatory mechanisms. Science 270, 1319-1325 (1995). - Lacalli, T. C. Protochordate body plan and the evolutionary role of larvae: old
controversies resolved? Can. J. Zool. 83, 216-224 (2005). - Strathman, R. Multiple origins of feeding head larvae by the Early Cambrian. Can. J.
Zool. 98, 761-776 (2020). - Gonzalez, P., Uhlinger, K. R. & Lowe, C. J. The Adult Body Plan of Indirect Developing Hemichordates Develops by Adding a Hox-Patterned Trunk to an Anterior Larval Territory. Curr Biol 27, 87-95 (2017).
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